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RE: Memoir Monday #27 (9/9-9/15) - What is your best relationship advice?

in #memoirmonday4 months ago

Good morning @ericvancewalton. Relationships of any kind are always important to take care of them, cultivate them or leave them if the case warrants it, in terms of love relationships, there is so much to say only that as you say, it is difficult to listen and follow advice, because under the magnifying glass of infatuation we think that love can do everything, yet it is good to settle what we have learned from experience. Excellent week to you. 😊


Thank you! Interesting how you phrased that under the magnifying glass of infatuation because that describes so many relationships when they're in the "honeymoon phase". Some people get so addicted to that newness and infatuation that they jump from one relationship to the next and miss out on the true joys of deep connection. I hope you enjoy your week!