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RE: Memoir Monday #21 (7/29-8/4) - What have been some of your life's greatest surprises?

in #memoirmonday8 months ago

Good morning @ericvancewalton, great truths that you tell us and that are only possible to assimilate with age and experience, because when we are very young time seems eternal. On the other hand, it seems to me that it is beautiful to be surprised by life, even if time presses us. Greetings, happy week.😊

Buenos días @ericvancewalton, grandes verdades las que nos comentas y que solo son posible asimilarlas con la edad y la vivencia, porque cuando somos muy jóvenes el tiempo nos resulta eterno. Por otra parte, me parece que es hermoso dejarse sorprender por la vida, aunque el tiempo nos apremie. Saludos, feliz semana.


Good morning! You're right, surprises can be beautiful because they can even exceed your greatest expectations! Thank you @damarysvibra!