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RE: Memoir Monday #26 (9/2-9/8) - How do you think the world will be different in 30 years?

in #memoirmonday21 days ago


Here I leave my controversial vision of a future that may be upon us thirty years from now, but perhaps I will not live to tell the tale.

Click on the title and it will take you to my entry. Blessings to all and as the saying goes ‘God will catch us in the act’.


I love that your entry focused on what we call here in Venezuela “keeping our feet on the ground”. We let ourselves be marveled by computers, screens, cell phones and the internet, while time marches on and we die sedentary. You are right in arguing that in 1000 years of history, despite technological advances, the powerful have always been powerful and we are walking with bare feet.

!gifs well done