Monthly? Meme dump

in #memes7 months ago

I scour the origins of meme on 4chan, Reddit, and 9gag so that you don't have to. I got rid of most social media about 5 years ago and my life has been a lot better because of it. Cutting the cord wasn't easy at first because like most people that was how I was spending my days but now I use that extra time to do literally anything else and well, my life is more productive and at peace because of it. Now if I am ever waiting in line or am between sets at the gym I will look at 9gag mostly and these are the memes I found that impacted me in some way or made me laugh. Let's see if you agree and if you feel so compelled, please share back!


While 9gag is filled with a ton of political propaganda, silly stuff like this tends to outperform anything that is about global politics or politicians and for that, I am very grateful to the people at 9gag. I see silly signs all the time in SE Asia, but back in this sign's country of origin, they had to have known that people were going to make fun of this.


A lot of these are made by an account called "Dad Jokes" and they usually make me at least chuckle. This one hit a bit close to home because recently I decided to go and get LASIK surgery for my fading eyesight. It was a frustrating experience because I don't think the eye techs actually knew what I was saying and when I was reading the letters on the other side of the room I was guessing about a lot of them like when I knew it was either a "W" or an "M" but I couldn't be certain which it was. Since the tech that was speaking to me didn't speak English, I question whether or not he had any idea what I was saying back to him.

When I got to the actual eye surgeon for the final word he claimed that my vision was 10/10 and since that isn't how they gauge eyesight anywhere in the world that I have ever been to, it concerned me a bit. I cannot read things in the distance such as subtitles on TV's and this gives me headaches. The doctor said my vision was "too good" for LASIK so I guess I can thank him for not giving me the surgery anyway but this was still not the answer I was hoping for. I wanted to have my distance vision permanently repaired but instead I left there with nothing. I also found it a bit strange that at the eye hospital that specializes in LASIK, nearly everyone that worked there was wearing glasses including the eye surgeon himself. If there ever was a place....


This isn't a meme so much as it is an inspirational quote and a reminder about how precious dogs are. I know people that have dogs that they barely pay attention to and I just find this so terribly tragic. When I do see these dogs in question, they seem rather starved for attention and that just makes me sad. 8-15 years sounds like a long time but it really isn't. My dog is in her twilight years now and it seems like I just blinked and she went from being a puppy to being a bit slow and incapable of taking stairs on her own. I believe I am my dog's best friend because when I take her out in public and have to do something like go to the bar for a drink I put her on a chair and the only thing she does the entire time I am up is constantly stare at me. She won't even interact with others that come up to her. I am her world and well, that makes me feel happy.


In my house it isn't leaves but my dog will go rather ape-shit if someone is mucking about in the hallway of our condo building for too long. The day that the cleaner comes to the door and knocks she screams bloody murder like we are under attack. I don't think that she realizes exactly how small she is and how easily overpowered she would be if there was any sort of real threat out there. I like her confidence but my Nadi is merely an early warning system... Her rice-sized teeth likely wouldn't even break the skin of anyone she would bite.


I have spent a rather long amount of time overseas and at any given point in time most of my friends are from the U.K. When I was in college I hadn't really been exposed to many Brits and there was only one that I was aware of at my university. These days the British way of saying things have crept into my vocabulary not because I think they are better words, but because of repetition. I may call an elevator a "lift" and a flashlight a "torch" or a shopping cart a "trolley" but I will never, EVER refer to Oreos as "chocolate sandwich biscuits."


This is not me but it is a lot of people that I know. I have quite a few friends that work online and when I say "work" I mean they do some bits and bobs between YouTube rabbit-holes. The rest of the time is spent doing silly crap online. Then they go and drink. I'm not one to scoff at routine because my life is routine but since this one reminded me of a good friend of mine who is currently locked out of Vietnam, I felt compelled to save it.


I didn't believe this when I first saw it but then looked it up and sure enough, Paetongtarn Shinawatra, the new Prime Minister of Thailand is a very young and quite attractive woman. She is merely 37 years old and is the youngest PM of Thailand ever. The crazy thing about this PM is that two family members of hers - her father and her aunt - were previously the Prime Minister of Thailand as well. Both of them were ousted in bloodless coups. I guess 3rd time's the charm or has it just been so long since Thailand last had a coup d'état that they are getting a bit itchy for another one?


Lastly I have this gem which is, also not actually a meme. I found this one interesting not just because of the obvious stuff in there about that awful breakdancing controversy/performance by RayGun, but because being in an international community, some people, and they are normally the new people on the scene, love to attempt to enforce speech rules in public. If someone wants to call hot dogs and hamburgers a BBQ, fucking let them. You knew what they meant didn't you? Well then, shuddap!


I leave you with a cute picture of Nadi, moments after having her probably too-long ear fur brushed. She is not a fan of the process but she really enjoys the "treaty-pies" that come afterwards!

If you have any memes to share back I would appreciate it!


That one about Grilling I have seen before, but the Australian part it awesome! I have to agree with it though. There is a huge difference between BBQ'ing and Grilling. I'd like to think I am pretty decent at both. This is a good batch of stuff you brought us this week.

it has been many years since I even owned a grill. It's just not something that people have over here. I do miss that as it was just standard equipment when I lived in USA.

That's too bad. I don't thinK I could live without one. My wife and I were looking at this new apartment complex they are building in town and although it was beautiful, the lack of a place to put my grill was a deal breaker for me!

most of the apartments I had in USA didn't allow grills because of the overhead damage you could do if you used one. That didn't stop us though and sure enough, the balcony ceiling ended up getting black.

I can only imagine. I'm a charcoal guy, so it would probably be pretty bad after a short amount of time!

I remember doing a medical for work and the nurse asked me what we have on a BBQ and I mentioned every cut of meat besides a hamburger and sausage. She was a bit shocked that we will have 4 or 5 different meats being cooked all at the same time. Burgers and sausages is no BBQ.

it's funny to me that this one is getting the most attention. I guess I can understand but it seems a silly thing for a person to get all worked up about.


Posted using MemeHive

Whats the nuttiest Band in the history of rock and roll
The Allmond Brothers.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of memehive



@gooddream, I sent you an