
Nice one

glad you like it

name. plz

ok, I found it.

Try soundhound

It works!

: )

You like it
I prefer the other one, but can't remember the title

What's the name?

still no answer? haha, so efficiency

I forgot, hahaha

Come on, why so serious?


Good, too


Did you guys think that STEEM gonna to the moon?

Absolutely yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!


where's the moon? 100? 1000?

STEEM is different from cryptocurrency, verges on the cryptoshares.

maybe compare to the price of Facebook is reasonable,

but as I always point out that money does not create out of nothing, this sort of blockchain didn't profit, so we got something more to discuss.

above 100, maybe

How come?
Aim to the price of Facebook?

to the moon!!!

2017 is the year of cryptocurrency

I got this feeling, too.

This song is really great

But this kind of model just make money outflow, dev should try to keep or make money inflow.

You know that minnows is hard to get some attention here,

I try to post something, but no one gives a damn.

agree, this place just like reflection of real world.

but you know what, the stratum only existing in your brain.

fly boy, fly!

You don't need to sleep, huh.

Yap 20-7

Don't be that hard to yourself, dude.
I know that making tons of money are dope,
but health is also wealth.

Just value my time, bro

I should consider that way, too

And enjoy your time

Did you do that?!




F*** off.

dirty word alert

If you doubt about it,

drop USD 500~1000, just like me, not a harmful number

ex: If you drop 1k in bitcoin back to 2011, you gonna get 100000% return's back.

Me, too

That's good.
It's my turn now.

Nope, absolutely not

You should say 'not yet"!

far far away, sir

you guys rich!

Nope Nope NO

I'll work 'til Lambo is cheap.

I prefer you to get some SP, lay back

sip your screwdriver and enjoy the profit + passive income

Hell yeah

if you got time for this,

maybe it's worth it.

use ya free time

I got some
but now I consider.......
Get some SP

YES, you should!

you know what, I'm here writing article not just making coins,
I'm trying to drag people out of the swamp .

people here still get into a frame, that's pathetic, like they always doing in society.

reputation isn't a thing, you gotta remember

Yeah, I know.
Think out of the box, right?

The best timing is now.

you gotta invest your time in these: blog and friendship(upvote+comments)

personally, the reward must beyond 5k/post or I just get back to manage my trade and portfolio.

cuz' it took me about 1 hour or 2 to produce an article, totally not worth it

in my opinion, that's wasting my time, dude

Is these true?

Yebosolutely, what did you think that I'm doing?
This is solid industry, not for average thug.

I guess I need a new job.

You'll regret if you stay with this guy.

Workaholic alert!!

What you want me to do, boss?

looks like we have to kowtow

still kowtowing

you don't have to
come on

I am, dude


I need strategies, any advice?


you can't copy anyone's strategies

you gonna creative it, like an artwork

trading is a road to knowing yourself

It's just like YOGA but to brain, right?

I need both of them, haha

You mean trading or portfolio?

sure he is!

You guys are the same!

Don't be shy~

Sure, boss!

You making money like a freaking monster.

Can u explain what this 19 fork thing please?

And it seems like everyone loves it.

Just some sort of update thing, try to solve the reward imbalance.

Reward imbalance?