
I don't attack anyone over their beliefs, but I do respond when mine are attacked as I see fit.
Since you don't know half the story, take your churlish self elsewhere. lol
OR, perhaps you can tell me what laws of Leviticus you "keep" (define that too by the way), and what justifies which ones you don't....I won't hold my breath though.

I asked a simple question and you assume I am attacking, yup now that is a way to influence people...

Where did I say you are attacking? Don't get all mad because you're poor at communicating.
You said I assumed you were attacking--but you're the illiterate jackass that actually said I was attacking... Again, don't get all mad because you're an idiot that doesn't know how to communicate.

Yes, I can see your level of intelligence or lack thereof. I suspect that your future here at steemit will be short lived if you continue in the fashion of just this thread. Or perhaps that is a goal to show how you were attacked by those that you hate and dislike so much. Would that justify in your mind your cause?
I could start flagging you to assist taking your reputation down but instead I will ask for everyone to mute and pray for you. May God remove the hate you are harboring in your soul...

Again, don't get all mad that you contradicted your own logic and were called out. I'll ask a second time (this is your chance to prove you are not illiterate): where did I say you were attacking me? Go on...take a shot at it...

No worries, I'm not on here begging like you clowns are for 20 bucks a week for posting. LOL

Since you're offended and melting, maybe you should have listened when I said you didn't know half the story and you wouldn't be so mad.
Also, I'm still waiting for you to define what laws you keep and don't and what verse substantiates why not...why is it that none of you charlatans can answer that? Not one!