Some common reactions to the hard fork

in #meme8 years ago (edited)

As I was browsing posts and comments on Steem after the hard fork, these were some of the reactions I found...

Hope you're enjoying both the fork and the content! I know I am =D

the-ego-is-you Steem Banner.gif


Much appreciated for the laugh, upvoted and resteemed.

Office Space, love that old film ha ha

It's such a useful still to make memes out of too :D

Yeah, this fork has been good to us lil' guys and gals so far. Stoked!

Started a fire in my belly for sure =)

One of the really amazing things is the value we add is more accurately calculated. Regardless of calculations I think those of us interested in building Steemit will keep on doing a good job, but it sure is nice to receive a higher reward. :)

Absolutely agree!

wait for tomorrow, haha! :)

What... there's more? :D

OMG this is great. LOL!

Thanks for commenting! It's exciting isn't it! :D

Really love this post Lol. Followed upvoted resteemed. Thx

Thanks a lot! :D Let's spread the good vibes ~

I love this fork :D Nice memes

So far me too :D

I liked the memes quite a lot, however I am at work right now, and my computer froze a couple of times while scrolling through this post - don't even get me started haha.

STEEMIT Comment.pngYou have all my support @the-ego-is-you

Thanks! :D I've noticed gifs can take a lot of time to load these days... hmmm... not just on my end then

What's This?


JESUS... Nice seeing you in here! :D

Rolling On The Floor Steeming! Thank you for the good laugh!

Thank you for bringing the the good back around by letting me know! =)

I wonder how it's possible that all the posts from everybody went so high... Isn't it a bug? Where does all this money come from?

It probably mostly comes from the same place it did before + a little bit of short term hype . Hopefully there's no bug and this is all just mo moneys for us all (the minnows and dolphins) =)

Imagine my face when I saw my posts with a lot of SBD..oh God, maybe I will go to SteemFest!

Right! I love this xD I hope you will buddy! =) :thumbsup:

19 HarD ForK's .. StarT a RocK BanD .. . MinnoW de-LIGHT !!! - ))
... CuTlery not included - ))

greb'Z )

argw, this is hard to process in my mind...