Whenever possible I do try to point out factions within Groups, as above I did. What I did not know is that Haaretz were a lefty communist rag inside Israel: with how much Israelis hate communist shills after so many of them were brutalized by the commie reform/atheist Jews of the Bolshevik regime - it's actually surprising Israel would tolerate Haaretz operating in their territory.
I have, by the way, an entire video I did about Jews. In which - I absolutely DO individuate Jews not JUST by faction, but also down to the individual level. My formal education included works from people like Milton Friedman, Ludwig von Mises and Ayn Rand, for example.
The conclusion of which was stated as follows, exact exerts taken from the script for that video.
"In the same way it is unjust that all whites should be blamed for slavery, or the way all Germans are blamed for the Jewish holocaust. Simply put: it is unjust to blame those who are innocent of a crime, for the crimes committed by others. I do not violate my own principals simply because of emotionalism.
This is why I do not decry all Jews simply for being Jews. By the same token, I will not ignore the fantastic "couincidences" regarding the undeniable link between Jews and Communism. Nor will I ignore the reality that so much of cultural marxism is pushed by Jews.
Open borders advocacy,
Multiculturaism advocacy,
anti-male propaganda,
Anti-male bias laws,
Anti-white Propaganda,
Anti-white bias laws,
Incessant publications discouraging whites from breeding,
Censorship of conservative and right wing politics,
Censorship of criticism against Islam,
Censorship of criticism of mass migration,
Censorship concerning investigation of the Holocaust,
Censorship concerning the Jewish role in Bolshevism,
Censorship concerning the factual reality of how many lives were lost under Bolshevik control during the Soviet Era,
When I see a publication promoting any of the above and the author's name echos - donnot expect me not to notice. Do not expect me to pretend I do not see what is infront of my eyes, 2 and 2 make 4.
Do not mistake my love of justice, I am not a leftist, I do not temper justice with mercy. I will not extend any undue courtesy. I will not excuse actions or attempt to skew opinions in someone favor when they have done wrong. I will provide no shelter for those who wish to hide from their own actions. I will not provide cover for misdeeds. I do not support, uncritically. I have no love for juden, hebrews, semites or Jews.
I simply refuse to deride, shame or denounce ALL of you, for the misdeeds of some or even of most. This is not a courtesy, this not a show of respect, or effection. I simply place value on justice, and refuse to hold persons accountable for the actions of others.
Nothing more, nothing less.
The only thing you can expect from me, is a fair hearing. "
This I think is reasonable. I'm not going to treat Jews in a racist way, I will judge each individual Jew on their own actions and their own merit as I should judge each individual white, asian, latino or black.