Let's start with the usual backstory, which gets shorter and shorter every time I tell it. I stopped using traditional social media about 5 years ago. The inspiration was mostly because of USA politics and how people were falling out with family and friends that hey have known for years just because they didn't like the same candidate. Some of the awful things people would say to one another was just remarkable especially since I knew these people and know they wouldn't talk like that to one another face-to-face. I had a guy tell me to "fuck off, I barely even know you" and then unfriend and block me just because I posted a meme in his comments that was a variant of the "life is short, make sure to spend as much time as possible arguing with people online about politics!"

So after all of that I deleted FB, IG, and Twitter and I found that my life became a lot better because of it. Now my only social media is basically 9gag, which is a place where mostly memes are posted all day long. Sure there is political propaganda in there as well but since the community is very dedicated to tags you can block certain topics. Some user still try to get their crap through but the very dedicated community will downvote anything, even stuff they agree with, that is intentionally mislabeled.
So this is how I spend any downtime that I have, looking at memes. I sift through the trash so you don't have to and these are the ones that caught my eye in the past month or however long it has been.

There are a lot of memes on 9gag that are boy/girl differences oriented. I think a lot of the userbase are teenagers or people in their 20's but this is something that I have seen in my own life. There are men that I have been acquainted with for years now and we don't even know one another's names. We likely actually did tell one another our names at one point but for men, that really isn't something we hang onto. With the women that I know they seem to be prepared to exchange all contact information immediately upon meeting someone. So when I have a nice chat with a dude I never ask for contact information unless there is a very real reason for us to do that. It's just kind of funny to me that it seems that almost all guys are like this.

Ok, this one is not funny but it is something that I think about. My dog is exceptionally attached to me and I think this is because I am the "magic food giver" and I am really the only stability that she has had in her 11 years on this planet. The few times I have left to go overseas the people that look after her have said that she seems depressed and often she refuses to eat. While I find this endearing, I definitely wouldn't want her to think that I left her if I were to die. I have made arrangements with my close friends here to make sure that she will be with me if something happens.

This made me laugh because it is stupid and I am childish. It likely wont be funny to anyone that is unfamiliar with these advertisements and the very catchy earworm of a song that came along with it.

This one was funny to me because 9gaggers have a tradition of posting philosophical statements that aren't meant to be taken seriously. The notion behind it is true though.

When did "retarded" become a word that we are not supposed to say anymore? A lot of speech police out there in the world because while I do avoid using this word just to keep the peace I did say "retarded" around a girl that I know not that long ago and she got more upset with me than I think is reasonable. I was referring to myself when I said it as well and was not at all referring to anyone with genuine mental deficiencies. I just don't know when the "r-word" became taboo. It is a genuine clinical term too. I recall when I was a kid some family friends had a retarded son and that was how Zachary was referred to as. Nobody took offense at this, certainly not Zach himself. Zach by the way, was a ton of fun to us kids: He was 17 but had the mental capacity of a seven year old. He was a blast to be around but we had to be careful because he was a lot stronger than us and didn't really understand that hurting other people was wrong.

9gag is also a great place to find not so nice inspirational quotes. I send this to friends of mine often when they are spilling their guts about how something in life isn't going their way. It lightens the mood if they are a good friend and they know I am joking.

I have a few German friends in the expat world over here and we get a kick out of how long some of their words are. I don't know why this is but I think most Germans also thing that their language makes some things a lot longer than it is in other languages. There are entire YouTube channels dedicated to just this.
I will admit that this is not my best meme drop: Because of the election in the US much of the material there has been centered on that so the humor will probably return soon only to fire back up again at the end of January.
I leave you with a picture of Nadi that I don't really remember taking because I was drunk when I took her for a walk

She loves to go just about anywhere with me, even if I am not walking in a straight line.
if you have any memes to share back they are always appeciated!
Never heard of this site before and shows you if you look there is almost a site for everything. If you were playing scrabble in German you would probably need an extra box of tiles.
German was made to be infinite! As of writing, however, the record for longest German word in common usage, or that made it into the dictionary, stands at 63 characters: Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz, the name of a food safety law that was in effect until 2013.17 Mar 2023.
They do no play around.
It is fun to joke with my German friend about it. He has a sense of humor about how silly his language can be and this is a good way to be. If you dont' know many Germans lets just say that they are for the most part not known for their sense of humor.
Here's a good one
Those are some good ones...
Some can be sad or mean, but they do make sense. It's just up to people to take them the light-hearted way... 😅😁
And Nadi is a cutie as always... 🥰💙
Posted using MemeHive
My doctor told me to sleep on it.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of memehive
@gooddream, I sent you anWow, I never really thought of that with my dog. It's a good point for sure. That shirt though.... Wow. I won't lie, I busted up laughing when I saw it, but I also don't say that word anymore. My wife is a mental health professional and I think she hates that word almost as much as the n word. I think part of it just has to do with the fact that it was such a blanket term back then and we know better now. It probably doesn't help that most people use it in a derogatory way versus the actual meaning of "inhibited" or whatever. Also, very true about the dinosaurs. If they were so on top of things they probably wouldn't have died right?
we did use it a lot in our playground vocab back in the 80's. I still use it every now and then but only in reference to myself or a very close friend. You have to be careful with that one, I recognize that.
I think that if you were dying that planning having the dog around would be tough especially since I don't really see my life ending in some sort of gradual "come here Nadi" sort of way. It would be me getting hit by a bus or something and well, we can't really plan for that now can we?
one only need to hear the story of Hachi to know that dogs really are confused when their master isn't around all of a sudden.
That is a good point. I have a feeling many of us aren't going to have the luxury of making all the necessary plans when it is our time to go.