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RE: Meme: It's all according to plan

in #meme2 months ago

That isn't accurate, and in fact is specifically opposite to what is happening.


I'm going to partly disagree. Or here's how I see it.

The tips/donations gained from direct transfers into the safety deposit box or safe, is no different than the cup with "tips" written on it sitting on my bazaar. One could come and take the cup and claim it's going to be used for folks that deserve it better (trending posts) simply because they have a bigger stick than I and the rest. Telling us that it's "For the greater good of the market".

But since I can't do anything about it because that's how it's coded in. For now, that cup, then, isn't mine to have. Those are the rules of this game.

He who shall lay their own tip into the public's cup(the vote reward mechanism) hereby forfeit their right to how it will be spent by the chance that it may be taken by others with their own stake(via DV).

Please restate factually the above quoted text.

It does need to be revised.

Tips are exactly donations immune from being countered.

Sure the safer way is called tips but the idea of tipping when others give something of value to another for x reason. Now whether they are immune, in the real world it would be something similar to having safety deposit box.

Imagine a bum getting tipped by the commoners to then have some rich guy come along and take it all away because his personal x reason to take it away for the greater good of the city, to people "who deserves it more", whatever that means.

Tips ARE going down the drain. Ethically, who are we to decide the money someone received is to be spent from what others have given to said person or account?

But this is how it is coded in. Code is the law here.

Some people shoot people just because they believe they can. Others carry guns and refrain from shooting others, despite knowing that they are capable they don't because they have a conscious and know it's a bad thing. Others still refuse to use it ever or rather delegate others to do the shooting for them.

In this case, the gun, the DV. Shooting down other people's given value to another via DV because, that's just what is coded in, because they have a bigger gun and the ones with more guns gets to say how things go.

Imo, get more guns in more hands and even the playing field (Stake more HIVE). After all, is it stealing when one takes what was stolen from him?

Sure I could shoot back but I don't get that what was taken from me either way. Not on Hive. It just gets transferred somewhere else because that's how it's designed. Which is completely changeable.

As to your meme, concrete isn't flammable nor susceptible to fire, although the rebar commonly within concrete can be excited to extraordinary temperatures by EMF.

Right you are. Will be harder to bring down a village with concrete homes using DEW which is why they use bombs instead. I wouldn't put it in doubt that USA government will start bombing random housings with innocent people here in Mexico once they "officially" declare cartels in Mexico as foreign terrorist as they do in the middle east but closer to their home.

Peace is anomaly in time where the world is at war with itself.


I have been in discussions with Californians regarding rebuilding using concrete with non-ferrous reinforcement in order to prevent both such remote excitation and rust, which inevitably destroys the structural integrity and utility of concrete when rebar is used.

Hemp Crete blocks would be my guess. Wouldn't be a bad time to invest in such a job for these type of areas but I wonder how they stand in an area where there is lots of earthquakes.

Thank you for the comment.


Motion to strike "Your" at the beginning of my ramble.

You can edit your posts and comments. To the right of the 'reply' button at the bottom you can see an ellipse, three periods. Click that and a menu will drop down that includes the word 'edit'. If you click edit you can edit your comment.

Lol. I know that. I did that too but it was coming up blank empty boxes so I said fuck it, I'll write it out instead.

"One could come and take the cup..."

In the Bazaar. Not on Hive.

When you upvote, downvotes can counter your upvote. When you click the 'gift box' and send a tip, downvotes cannot counter that tip. In seven days you can receive the full amount of the tip and secure it in your wallet.

"...DV because, that's just what is coded in..."

DV's cannot take your tips. They can only take your upvotes. They cannot downvote your wallet, only your author rewards prior to the seven day period being over and those rewards being available to you to put in your wallet.

We're saying the similar things in different ways lol.