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RE: Monthly meme dump

in #meme5 months ago

There used to be a Waffle House in the town where I live now. It was right off the expressway, and sadly I never visited it when it was still around. By the time we moved here they had tore it down. I've never eaten at a Waffle House before. A guy did get shot at the Denny's over in Saginaw though. My wife and I both have been avoiding pretty much anything dog related lately. If something comes on TV we change the channel or mute it. This meme was pretty funny though.


People in USA are kind of spoiled for choice when it comes to breakfast food. If you lived overseas for just a little while I think things like Denny's and even Waffle house would appeal to you a great deal more. The breakfasts or at least the western notion of breakfast, is pretty poor in both Vietnam and Thailand.

That would be hard for me. I love me a nice big breakfast. I usually only eat it on the weekends, but there's just something about a nice big plate with a three egg omelette, potatoes,and a couple slices of Texas toast. I used to love getting ham-steak and eggs too. That was one of my go-to breakfasts.