On Saturday 27-01-2018, the first Meetup of @votovzla team was in the city of El Tigre, Edo Anzoátegui, Venezuela.
An event that initially arose to promote the important social network STEEMIT as an alternative for personal, economic and social growth and promote the work that is being done from the @votovzla Project, supporting the talent of Venezuelans who are inside and outside the country. As well as responding to the need for steemians to know more details of the platform, its operation and resources that facilitate growth within it. The purpose of the @votovzla team was to organize ideas that would materialize precise information through the realization of the Meetup.
In only 15 days a MeetUp was designed that surpassed all expectations in terms of organization, execution and assistance, as it was the first event organized by the team @votovzla, generated challenges and emotions indescribable to its members @melvadg @sandrag89 @edubeta @deilysg @patymm @daryjean @cesar.oat @abeba @atropolis @wilbertmh @ojmg @enrique89 @zauri @luis07 @bolivarense @joseelpoeta1.
We tell you how the MeetUp was developed
Gates were opened, welcoming the attendees with a photographic set, being the photographer of the @daryjean team, recording the joy of each one of them, as well as @mavi1 quotes him in the editing of his experience "an entrance to the Grammy Awards style".
Here are some of the photographs taken at the welcome reception.

The event began with a presentation by Daniel Apolo (@atropolis) who shared his knowledge about crypto and his trading experience.

Continuing with the participation of @sandrag89, sharing information about the operation of the Steemit platform, recommendations and suggestions. Framed in the strength of human sensitivity applied to the social network.

In a special way we have the participation of three users who briefly presented their experience within steemit and how it has influenced their lives, they were:
@joseelpoeta1 intervened narrating his experience within steemit and reciting a beautiful poem of his authorship for the team @votovzla.
@edubeta explained the vision of his blog that starts from the experience he has been accumulating in his process of personal growth and the challenges that these have been representing.

@daryjean, who narrated the experience of participating with one of his photographs in one of the many contests that open on the platform and the economic result that this meant for him.

The most awaited intervention by all, both attendees and organizers @cesar.oat and @enrique89 creators of the @votovzla project, two friends who in frank conversation made known to the general public how an idea was born that today benefits countless Venezuelans, during their participation they commented their belief in Venezuelan talent, and their entrepreneurial nature, assuring that Venezuela is built within the national territory, words that aroused emotions and stole tears.

Likewise, they thanked the support of users from other countries, who have decided to give force to @votovzla so that their project has more momentum, among them are @beanz, @fulltimegeek, @ papa-pepper, @reko, @crimsonclad @guiltyparties @moisesmcardona and projects like @provenezuela and @reveur led by @nnnarvaez.
Crucial moments
One of the innovative aspects that @votovzla contributed with its first Meetup was the integration of the Discord with live broadcast, during the event the voice and text chat was active, receiving an endless number of messages that interacted at all times with the events live, there was special participation in voice by important influential people @anomadsoul, @nnnarvaez and @dcardozo25, who happily accepted the invitation, telling their vision, experience and projects, which was thanked with a round of applause .
Another excellent moment, was the realization of the live curation, where a raffle was held for two post among the attendees resulting winners @napi1 and @luisveco88 whose emotion was noticed at the moment of presenting their publications, in the same way two post were selected of the users connected in the Discord chat, they were @tcpaikano and @oscards14; with the commitment to upvote during the week post that meet the requirements to be cured.

To conclude the event, an acknowledgement was given to the expert in @atropolis trading, which consisted of a book entitled "El éxito No llega por Casualidad" by Lair Ribeiro, praising reading as one of the best tools for personal growth.

The team of @votovzla is deeply grateful to the people who took part of their time to attend the event, since without you this MeetUp would not have been achieved with such success; We also recognize the collaboration of José Romero for his professional contribution in the area of sound, Sumanpek CA for his contribution with graphic design in POP material, Club Bowling San Remo shopping center and his staff for the excellent responsiveness and attention to the team and to the attending public who were extremely flattered, @macodi1 who surprised us with a special gift full of love and affection which was a delicious handmade cookies that she makes as an entrepreneur. We also appreciate the active participation @dcardozo25 as moderator of the Discord chat, who carried out the interaction between both scenarios, to @luzfermin graphic designer of the MeetUp banners and @abeba for their performance in the moderation of the event serving as a guide in the compliance with the scheduled program.

It is worth highlighting that among the attendees were people from different cities of the national territory, who were especially recognized for the effort involved in moving them to the city of El Tigre.
This event has served to consolidate @votovzla compromise to continue providing support and space for the development of talents to the entire Venezuelan community that has a space in this platform, to do so we will continue to develop new ideas in which we hope to count on the contribution of each of you, thus encouraging the initiative of the user steemit.
** If VENEZUELA can get ahead.**

Únete a nuestro chat en Discord:
Actualmente se trabaja en un servidor, más dinámico.
Link para más detalle y te puedas unir.Ahora puedes unirte a esta nueva iniciativa que es el CHAT, en el servidor VOTU, creado por @beanz, acá
Y La nueva iniciativa del canal #teamvenezuela en el servidor "Peace Abundance Liberty (P.A.L) gracias a @crimsonclad

Jeez you guys are really rockin! Looks like y'all are having a Whale of a time ;). We have some catching up to do here in Ireland. Thank you.
Hi, thanks for your spectacular comment @anmeitheal. Greetings to all the entrepreneurs of Ireland.
You inspired me to share this with family and friends. I wrote a blog about this post. Thank you!
se ve bien divertido equipo #Steemit!
Si lo fue @cryptoaltcoin, nos divertimos mucho y la experiencia fue sensacional.
posting is very good, it is a very pleasant togetherness friend
Thank you for commenting, your opinions are important to us. Successes @abdullahjafar.
The best experience!
No doubt it was @vivirenvenezuela. Success.
Admiro mucho su trabajo la verdad es sorprendente la cantidad de personas integradas a la comunidad de steemit sigan asi son un gran ejemplo @votovlza saludos y bendiciones desde Anzoategui!
Si amigos y vamos a ir por todos los rincones del país
Desde Barcelona Edo. Anzoategui apoyando los proyectos de esta comunidad, ojala puedan organizar eventos como este aqui tambien. Y bueno que sigan los exitos, brindo por eso. Energias positivas, bendiciones y exitos para todos
Es la idea que todos los Venezolanos apoyemos a todos los proyecto que van a aportar al crecimiento de todos en la red.
Que bien, exitos y que bueno integrarme a esta comunidad y espero contar con el apoyo de ustedes que sea reciproco.
Nuestro apoyo trataremos de distribuirlos entre todos los venezolanos.
muy buen trabajo, en serio, espero contar con su apoyo pues soy nuevo en esto
Hola @angelgerar93 mil gracias por comentar. Bienvenido a esta fabulosa comunidad.
You guys definitely had a quality time. I wish all those who were in this meetup a great success.
Hi, that was my friend @themobilewriter, the experience was unforgettable.
Desde Caracas apoyando esta iniciativa y gran talento de su parte, de verdad que están haciendo un grandioso trabajo que es de admirar. Le agradecería muchísimo si me podrían seguir y darle votos a mis publicaciones para poder surgir. Gracias!
Hola @brandonruizd21, gracias por dejar tu comentario es importante para nosotros conocer sus opiniones. Éxitos.
excelente viva @votovzla
Gracias por comentar amigo @ordosjc. Desde aquí te enviamos un fuerte abrazo.
This is wonderful please. Keep the good work going guys..
Thanks for comment @captainshayne, we continue working to improve and reach more families.
Venezuela very far from indonesia..nice meet you friends
Greetings to all the friends of Indonesia. If we are a bit far but in steemit we have no borders. Successful friend @nyakjoel.
Excelente amigos de @votovzla el 1er meetup fue un éxito, la pasamos super genial, gracias por todo lo que nos enseñaron, ya espero con ansias el 2do meetup, espero sea pronto. Felicidades a todos los que hicieron posible este evento. Saludos amigos!
Agradecidos por contar con tu fabulosa presencia @marioberlese. Todo el equipo te envía saludos y te desea muchos éxitos.
Y pensar que hasta hace poco ignoraba por completo Steemit, me doy cuenta lo grande que es y lo expandido que está en Venezuela. Un saludo, ¿cuando es la de Maracaibo?
Hola @tavorm, gracias por comentar. Cuando planifiquemos un evento para ala lo estaremos informando para contar con su incondicional apoyo. Saludos y éxitos.
como siempre mi apoyo incondicional para ustedes https://steemit.com/votovzla/@mdesantiago/apoyo-al-gran-equipo-votovzla
Gracias por el apoyo @mdesantiago. Saludos y éxitos.
you have a lot of power ,, I hope you can be generous to them all ,, success is always for you, :VOTU:
Thanks for the support @abieikram.
Gracias amigo @istchenkosilvera.
Orgullosa del poder de los venezolanos, ¡sigan así!
Agradecidos por tu comentario @oriana16