Full house at yesterday's Kyiv Meetup. Talking about EOS controversies at Blockchain Hub with Attic Lab and Kuna Bitcoin Agency.
- Constitution legitimacy
- Constitution scope
- BP Compliance
- EOS Alliance
CryptoLions is an EOS Block Producer based in Ukraine. We strive to make EOS more valuable by building projects that improve the ecosystem, by setting the standard for transparency and accountability, and by popularizing EOS all over the world.
website: http://cryptolions.io/
github: https://github.com/CryptoLions
telegram: https://t.me/CryptoLions_io
steemit: https://steemit.com/@cryptolions
twitter: https://twitter.com/EOS_CryptoLions
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB7F-KO0mmZ1yVBCq0_1gtA
DERU is a potentially revolutionary bond system which allows parties to guarantee their promises by posting some EOS into a bond. http://deru.io/
ZEOS is a do-it-yourself account registration portal where you can buy the initial RAM for your EOS account using BTC or ETH. https://zeos.co/
EOS NETWORK MONITOR is our popular monitor which shows the current health and state of the main chain. http://eosnetworkmonitor.io/
The JUNGLE TESTNET has been an valuable testing and training environment since April, months before the actual launch. Core B1 Developers, including Dan Larimer himself took part in various tests. It continues to be a place for Dapp developers to test their projects. Monitor: http://jungle.cryptolions.io/ Telegram Chat: https://t.me/jungletestnet
EOS TEST CAVE. We've contributed to a suite of automated scripts known as the EOS TEST CAVE, which are used to test new releases of the code. https://github.com/EOS-BP-Developers/EOS-Test-Cave
Telegram Warning Bot - https://github.com/CryptoLions/BP-Position-Telegram-Notifier
Node Management Scripts - https://github.com/CryptoLions/EOS-Network-monitor
Claim Rewards Bot with Telegram notification - https://github.com/CryptoLions/EOS-Claim-Bot
TRANSLATION PROJECT. To popularize EOS all over the world, we have an ongoing translation project which produced valuable EOS resources for the Russian and Ukrainian speaking communities. https://cryptolions.io/main/list-of-translations/
Russian / Ukrainian