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RE: Don't Anyone Feel a Bit Lonely ?

in #meeting7 years ago

@lucearejun - please tell us more about yourself. Seems like from your reputation that you might have done some things to cause some flagging, so I hope you can find more help and people willing to guide you in the right direction.


Oh thank you I don't know exactly how to prevent flagging , I love cryptocurrency , entitled to learn ,love languages I practice most of the time a new language, always on the track for constant improvement .
Can you tell me of yourself as well ? @plushzilla

I can assure you that you will never feel lonely here on steemit. Everyone here is happy to help you learn and grow, and I think there is much that you have to offer people here as well. I have been trying to learn Japanese and Korean so I am sure there is much we can discuss (I am interested in martial arts but I haven't practised it much). Here is my introduction post but it doesn't have much information: