Meditions Monday

Meditation Monday

Say this to yourself in the morning: Today I shall have to do with meddlers, with the ungrateful, with the insolent, with the crafty, with the envious and the selfish. All these vices have beset them, because they know not what is good and what is evil. But I have considered the nature of the good, and found it beautiful: I have beheld the nature of the bad, and found it ugly. I also understand the nature of the evil-doer, and know that he is my brother, not because he shares with me the same blood or the same seed, but because he is a partaker of the same mind and of the same portion of immortality. I therefore cannot be hurt by any of these, since none of them can involve me in any baseness. I cannot be angry with my brother, or sever myself from him, for we are made by nature for mutual assistance, like the feet, the hands, the eyelids, the upper and lower rows of teeth. It is against nature for men to oppose each other; and what else is anger and aversion?

Meditations Book II:1

by Marcus Aurelius

There is a lot of bullying that goes on in this world. A lot of bullying and posturing that happens on this platform. From the most powerful men in the nation to the lowliest blogger, where one person speaks, tries to be heard, tries to pass on knowledge of infinite value, there will always be those that want it silenced. Is it Greed or Avarice? Is it just the petty nature of the human soul? It lies within all of us and it doesn't take a great philosopher from some ancient land to know that. I am going to keep on keeping on here. Although I will try and change up my very limited format some to include thoughts like these along the way. A self discussion if nothing more because I doubt anyone will read this. If I stay black listed then so be it. If I continue to get downvotes because of SBI then so be it. For a place that is purported to be fair and free and open I refuse to shirk from the Gatekeeping, Bullying and selective judgement. I hope that if you are reading this today that like Marcus Aurelius you take some time to think through your day and actions, that you reflect on what it is that actually drives you and if somebody does something along the way that you don't agree with......well that's ok.


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