The Wonderful World of Meditation Pt. 2 "I want to become a better me"

Hey Friends

Welcome back to The Wonderful World of Meditation!

If this is your first time seeing or hearing about my meditation three part series, welcome! This series is meant to assist is you becoming a better you through meditation. My goal is for each and every one of you guys to know that I care about you and want you to achieve great things. Please refer to my first post in which this whole series began.

In my first post I discussed how our environment can affect our lives, introduced the concept and solution of meditation in conjunction with self growth, and talked about a few of the many benefits of meditating regularly. In this second post, as promised, I'll be elaborating on the concept of how meditation can help YOU become a better you.

Everyone has things in their life they'd like to change. Even the happiest and most secure people venture to attain more or change a specific aspect of their own lives. Through my personal experience I can honestly say that meditation has allowed me to change so many things throughout different sectors of my life that I particularly wanted to improve.

From my patience, to my willingness to go the extra mile, to my career choice, and even my love life. There are so many doors to which meditation can be the key to open. This is why I'd like to help all of you achieve the same fate! It's all about focusing on you.

"How Do You Start?"

Now you can be in any state of mind when beginning meditation, but remember to understand why you're meditating before beginning. You usually want to have a purpose, but you don't always need one. Sometimes you can just do it to relax yourself or release. You get out of this what you want to get out of it. All of the things you want to bring out or improve are already inside of you. I'm just introducing you to meditation to discover them for yourself😌. Here is a short list of things to take into consideration when beginning your meditation practices.

  1. Make sure you have a quiet relaxing environment to meditate in
  2. Sit or lay down during it. Unless you're meditating outside in which standing can be appropriate
  3. Make sure you're comfortable and at a good temperature
  4. Prior to beginning, think about the purpose of your meditation
  5. Erase all your emotions and thoughts except for your purpose
  6. Allow yourself to transcend into another world separate from here

This list will help you when you start to meditate, and is the list I personally follow. You'll find over time that you feel more comfortable in different areas or settings, and that's okay. Just find what works for you and personalize it in whichever way you like. I'll actually elaborate on this concept in Pt. 3!

Another important point to keep in mind during these exercises is to enjoy yourself and prosper from them. Ultimate releasing of oneself and gravitation towards ones goals is what leads to successful accomplishment. Undo life's shackles and be yourself during your meditation.

Nobody else is around to tell you anything or influence you in anyway shape or form. The wonderful thing is that it's just you, your imagination, and endless possibility. One of life's truly blissful experiences in my opinion.

Imagine taking a spiritual and physical journey through time and space...

That's essentially what you're doing. You begin starting as one person, and come out the other side as a completely reborn and changed individual who has accomplished exactly what he or she has set out to do in the first place.

Through my personal experience I've found that meditation fits perfectly into my daily regimen at the end of the day before I rest. It helps me clear my thoughts about the day, and focus on what's to come. You can really do it anytime of day though. In the morning when you wake up is also a good way to start your day! I hope you found this information useful, and if anyone would like to talk about meditation, motivation, or anything really, I'm always all ears👂.

I'll talk to you guys in two days when I do The Wonderful World of Meditation Pt. 3

Here is two pictures of a cute #puppy and #kitty:)