Meditation, HOW to do it...and get the health, balance, peace and healing?
Find a place to sit outside (grounding to earth) , breath steadily (control energy) ....let bad thoughts go (clearing out)....set your frequency, vibration, this simple breathing & focused meditation. Humming/chanting is optional, but really useful btw
Use a positive command/affirmation such as "everything is going to be alright" (reprogram) ...
A little each day allows you to de-energize the garbage taken in and to refocus the whole soul/emotional body, to be calibrated back to a more natural rhythm.
Once you realize YOU are an EMOTIONAL soul, more than anything then you will value this process, more than the "I am a body with a mind" that is most people's perception of themselves.
The body/mind dualism that most accept as fact, creates a disjointed or separation of YOU to your BODY.
EVERYTHING is connected and it is ALL energy and gravity manifesting a reality.
ALL cells are connected. air, water, earth, fire, animals, humans, stars etc...
Energy FLOWS through all of it, continuously. And YOU absorb and release this energy daily.
You are not meant to absorb mental, commercial, artificial things (disconnected from natural environment) on the scale we are now seeing in society.
The profoundly sick are byproducts of an artificial system,that offers artificial drugs to fix it's artificial persons (corporate souls) that are trapped in the Matrix.
A real Matrix or monetary system that "gets it's life' from those that are willing to forego the natural human path and accept the luxuries of non organic things in ones life.By trading non living paper or coins for things.
Nothing wrong with that until that is ALL you do...then you are sacrificing the living things for sub-living things. Everything IS energy but some energy is created with no value or life in it.
I went for a swim yesterday and a friend, I found, went and laid under a tree to ground yesterday.
Oddly enough, we both were feeling the surge of energy in this current cycle and needed to ground that energy, rather than feel tense, frustrated, clouded, mental, chakra, third eye noise etc..
The only reason many people scoff at the idea of these simple things to regain your emotional energy and align it correctly, is because we have valued "things," or our ability to acquire them for our "worth" over what naturally makes us feel better, think better and have a better quality of life.
And I have to say yoga, meditation or other variants such as massages, certain tone music/frequency, a walk in the woods, park, beach etc REALLY DO create a better quality of life. As does association with good people, animals or nature.
So if you do these things and help others...a big thank you.
Because without readjusting the emotional body, on an individual basis, all we have are "crazy energy beings", running around reacting to the disconnected rhythms, of an artificial life, that does nothing but produce anxiety, CONFUSION and results in more hate, murder and/or death of relationships and individuals.imho
Hence..."we got to get back, to the garden" , the old 60's song's is vital to our species and this planets survival.
Tag - You're it..! Divinity found..!
Connect with it..!:)