There is a meditation guru who is known around the world....

in #meditation3 years ago

Billionaires, start up founders and top level execs seek him out to find wisdom and insight.

Do you want to know what he says??

Practice surrendering.

With all of the insight he has gathered ... this is what he teaches.

It' simple.
In our lives we tend to accumulate mental and emotional baggage.

The argument you had with your friend at lunch but were unable to resolve.
The stress you feel from your boss at work but have yet to acknowledge and address.
The pain you feel from the times you have been wounded.

All of these exist in your mind space as little tid bits of energy and emotion. We carry them with us, seeking an opportune moment to experience and address them. Yet, with our busy lives we rarely have the time, or presence of mind to allow such an experience.

That is why surrender is so necessary.
You are intentionally creating a safe place to allow yourself to experience the things that you were unable to resolve at the time you originally experienced. Done properly, you may find a myriad of emotions flowing through your consciousness as past experiences are addressed and experienced. Done expertly, you will allow them to flow, rather than cling to them or become emotionally entangled.

Want to incorporate this into your daily practice?
Find a quiet, safe space where you can sit, or lie down for 5-10 minutes. After a few moments of deep breathing (to relax the body) choose intentionally to allow yourself to surrender and do your best to simply experience what's going in your body and mind. It is nuanced as you are intending to do nothing (a paradox) but with a bit of practice you will get the hang of it. If you wish, you can extend the duration of this practice as you get more comfortable with it.

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