7 Tips Before Sitting With Ayahuasca for the First Time

in #meditation7 years ago (edited)

For anyone who is being called to the medicine this year, these are seven tips I can give that might help you in your journey. Have a good ceremony!

Note: the personal experiences I mention in this video are the experiences I've had to go through to learn how help myself and others heal. Do not let my experiences scare you, as everyone has a different experience. The plant has a consciousness of her own and knows exactly what you are and aren't ready to see. <3


great advice ,,thanks for sharing

That yellow outline face at the lower left is like what I saw at the end of the Ayahuasca ceremony from last year's Anarchapulco.

I am going to have to come back to this and watch, a few years ago I went to Peru for Huachuma and Vlica and also have a bit of experience with psilocybin.

Ayahuasca will happen when I ahev the means or opportunity

I host retreats here in Mexico, if she's calling you! The first one is filled up, but I have another one planned for October!

Awesome, do you run a website where I could look into it? Found you on twitter, which I need to use more. I was thinking of starting up something on cannabis shamanism since it is more widely available, but I would have to partner up with my shaman or someone of knowledge to learn some more about clearing the space because cannabis is frequently used recreationally. I've had great results though, nothing as hard hitting as pscilocybin or Huachuma, but a nice gradual build up to those two.

Ahoo! Your experience is very interesting, and the harvest is very good. thank you for sharing to make the medicine known