Definition sounds reasonable to me, it's broad enough to cover a lot more practices than just sitting still and breathing which is good.
Although I will admit for that me, I don't feel like I am meditating unless I am in a vipassana state, just sitting and focusing on the breath.
Have you ever heard of the book "Mastering The Core Teachings of the Buddha"? Some of your mindset reminds me of the author of that book.
In one my of the 10 day vipassana retreats, I told my guru that I think I am not meditating. He asked me why? n I said I am thinking too much. He told me that the problem i was facing was that I was judging the process. The mind had the tendency to label experiences n call it right or wrong. But if we can learn to keep this part of us aside and dive into the activity without doubt then I think it would give us the opportunity to explore the depths of our awareness and spread this state of mind into every aspect of our lives. I should say I really started meditating when I stopped bothering about what it exactly is and why I was doing it. I havent read that book yet. I put it my wish list. Thanks :)