Deep Meditation: The Seven Chakras of Human Body

in #meditation7 years ago (edited)

Chakra, originated from the Sanskrit word called Cakra (referred as “wheel” or “disc”), relates to the areas of energetic circles or an accumulation node of those energies in the human body.

Before we continue to the post, it is significant to understand that the chakras develop from the belief (of One’s) that their body is built with subtle planes of existence that prolonged further than the physical plane in the real world. It is widely believed that there are many chakras in the subtle human body. In this post, I will delve deeper into each of the seven chakras that are considered to be the most important ones.

First Chakra is known as Mooladhara. It is positioned at the tail bone or the last bone of our vertebrae. It is linked to the adrenal gland. It offers us energy for life and control metabolism. Mooladhara is the symbolic form of earth’s energy. Our genetic center is situated here. Meditating over mooladhara chakra transforms our spiritual energy to physical energy.

Second Chakra is known as Svathistana. It is linked to our sexual gland. It offers us essental energy and longevity. Svatishtana is situated four inches underneath our naval point. It is symbolic form of water energy. Meditating over Svathistana offers us creativity and the potential to connect with higher range souls.

Third Chakra is known as Manipuraha. It is situated at the naval point. It is linked to Pancreas gland. It controls digestion, taking up nutrients and maintaining significant circulations in the body. Manipuraha is symbolic form of fire energy. Our digestive potential is directly managed by Manipuraha. Meditating over Manipuraha chakra accelerates our metabolism and offers us esoteric experiences.

Fourth Chakra is known as Anahadha. It is situated 4 inches above solar plexus near our heart region. Thymus gland is situated here. Thymus gland works like our trainer gland that supervise body’s immunity versus diseases. It is a symbolic form of air energy. Meditating over Anahadha Chakra offers us immunity and courage.

Fifth Chakra is known as Visuddhi. It is situated 2 inches above the throat hole. It is a symbolic form of Ether or Akash energy. Thyroid gland is situated here. Meditating over Visuddhi offers you physical and mental strength.

Sixth Chakra is Agna (third eye). It is situated in between the two eyebrows above the nose. It is linked to the pituitary gland and is also known as the third eye. Meditating over Agna Chakra aids us to open our consciousness and begin our inner journey towards learning ourselves. It offers us to control over our senses.

Seventh Chakra is Thureeya (Crown) or Sahasrahara. It is also known as the crown Chakra and is situated on top the head. It is linked to the Pineal gland. Meditating over Sahasrahara stimulates our mind at Alpha level of frequency. It offers us the capability to introspect and comprehend our karmas or imprints. It also allows us to transform our imprints, characters and personality. It aids us to trigger our journey towards the purpose of life.




Im always wearing mine! Great Post.

Great explanation of all the chakras. I'm meditating everyday and it's a wonderful journey :)

So do I start my rasengan with my right or left hand?

just kidding. Interesting stuff. I guess chakra and chi are not the same thing.

thats interesting

Interesting post. But, as for me, it is painfully blurred. There is no practical value from information

@cranium I have tried to update the resolution of the images to maximum possibility...

good to know . I like meditation posts . I watch : The last airbender !

@madus Yes i used to watch Avathar: The Last Airbender :)

SO interesting, thanks a lot

I would love to meditate if i can find the time.

Really a great information about all chakras.

Interesting post

Great article, thank-you.:)

Thank you for this tutorial on chakras, at least it expanded my knowledge on this issue

Nice article, but still confused how to make a perfect meditation.

Very interesting!
It is too low post about this one.
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