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RE: Resistance to Meditating? Me Too!

I love this. I love the image of guiding the horse back to the trail gently. My biggest issue is getting to bed early so that I can meditate before the kids get up. Otherwise, it's over. I have been listening to a guided Yoga Nidra recording as I fall asleep each night and I definitely feel better in the morning when I do it, but yeah, I really need to get to bed earlier. 😉 Thanks for this post.


MMMmmm thanks.. yeah it is so much better to be gentle with ourselves, otherwise i find i might rebel more (just like the horse! LOL).. nice i like Yoga Nidra and glad you're getting some time before the kids get up! my mom is a wonderwoman and when we were young she would go for a run almost every day before 5 am! blows my mind the things moms do! yall are wonderful <3