Teleiophiles Also Find Teenage Girls To Be Attractive

in #medicine11 months ago (edited)

Serhiy Lvivsky is the author of this photograph/Source:

1. Case In Point

If you follow my PEAKD channel and channel regularly, then you probably already know what hebephilia and ephebophilia are. Jason B Truth has published a number of articles that provide a wealth of information and knowledge about this same subject matter.

If you read my last article, you'll remember that I recently learned something very interesting about the clinical term "teleiophilia." Teleiophilia is defined as a sexual attraction toward someone in their twenties or thirties. This same word is about the closest medical term that one can use to define what nonconformists typically call a "normie" or rather someone who devotes their life to adhering strictly to societal norms.

Well, lo and behold, a teleiophile can also be attracted to teenage girls. Here is the definition of teleiophilia as it appears in the Wikipedia:

a romantic and/or sexual preference for young adults (20s and 30s), specifically for adult body types, as it also technically encompasses attraction towards postpubertal, sexually mature teenagers.

If teleiophiles can also be attracted to teenage girls provided that those same girls are sexually mature and postpubertal, then there is no way in all of the universe that they could ever share any kind of diagnostic umbrella with pedophiles. Therefore, the terms "MAP" ("Minor-Attracted Person") and "MAPs" ("Minor-Attracted People" or "Minor-Attracted Persons") have no logical or legitimate place in the English language, period.

If pedophile-rights activists ever decide to hold any kind of pedophile pride parade anywhere in the United States or the world, no teleiophile will be appearing at that event to march alongside these same freaks. As a matter of fact, no ephebophiles will be doing so either, and only hebephiles with common sense will stay far, far away from such a display of moral bankruptcy.

One interesting fact that I did find out about teleiophilia was that none other than Dr. Ray Blanchard was the one who coined that term and its like. I have made it no secret in previous articles of mine that I am not a fan of Dr. Blanchard, because he has made attempts to broaden the definition of pedophilia.

Nevertheless, because Dr. Blanchard apparently believes that there are exceptions to even his stern rules that are yet to be recorded in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and will likely never be so, I at least have to commend him for providing the public at large with an escape path from ultimately being lumped in with child molesters and diaper snipers in the event that anyone falls in love with a girl who may be one, two, three, four, or five years shy of the legal voting age.

My school of thought is if a teenage girl looks like a young woman, talks like a young woman, and acts like a young woman, then she is a young woman. Social-justice warriors need to stop putting teenage girls who fit this same description back into diapers. They're well beyond that phase of their lives.

Does this all mean that Roman Polanski is a teleiophile and, therefore, qualifies to hang out with all the normies in his neighborhood? Well, that's another article for another time. Currently, I'm going to concentrate on the topic of teleiophilia itself.

Further on in the section of the Wikipedia regarding teleiophilia, it reads:

Dr. Michael Seto states: "A sexual preference in those in late adolescence who show many signs of sexual maturity (Tanner stage 4) or who are sexually mature (Tanner stage 5) is not representative of hebephilia; instead, it can be described as ephebophilia or teleiophilia (Hames & Blanchard, 2012)."

Even though, from reading his statement above, Dr. Seto and a small group of other mental-health professionals don't want to let go of their mission to reclassify hebephilia as some kind of psychiatric disorder, it is alleviating to know that these same individuals acknowledge that if a 15-year-old girl has the body of a 29-year-old woman, no pedophile is going to take a sexual interest in her; and any adult who does take a sexual interest in her is not a pedophile.

I don't think that hebephilia should be reclassified as a psychiatric disorder, but I'm glad to know that people like Dr. Blanchard and Dr. Seto are at least willing to offer some middle ground between them and those who disagree with them. Otherwise, in figurative words, pedophile-panic fanatics who seek to raise the statutory age of consent to 35 years old worldwide are going to take advantage of anything that the mental-health profession throws their way. They are ruthless.

2. Stop Infantilizing Teenage Girls Who Are Clearly Precocious For Their Age!

On a number of occasions, this one YouTuber named Joshua Barbour has thrown the word "pluto" around on his channel named Dad Challenge Podcast. He uses that term that he invented to mean "pedophile," because he is afraid that YouTube will give him a strike under their community guidelines and possibly deplatform him from their social-media site.

Now, I have nothing against Mr. Barbour. In fact, I've even found a number of his videos to be entertaining and informative. However, I don't agree with everything he says on his channel. One of the things that I don't agree with him on is whenever he accuses an adult man of being a pedophile for admiring the feminine beauty of a teenage girl. He is way off base whenever he does so.

Now, should I snipe at Mr. Barbour for engaging in this misleading practice? No, I shouldn't. I realize that he is a minister, and he is likely to take a social conservative viewpoint of most everything. If anything, I would feel that it is my duty to enlighten him on this topic.

Nevertheless, I cannot deny that I find it annoying whenever Mr. Barbour starts badmouthing this one YouTube channel named The Weiss Life and insists that any man over 24 years old who likes to view the three oldest daughters on that YouTube channel is a pedophile, because these girls are not children in terms of their physiques. (*Note - Mr. Barbour intercepted some kind of statistical information that indicated that The Weiss Life channel on YouTube has a large number of male viewers 24 years of age and older.)

I've wanted to point out this one misfire on the part of Mr. Barbour, because I don't think he's giving the entire situation a fair assessment from a bird's eye view. He goes strictly by the school of thought that two of these three girls are not yet old enough to vote in a presidential election and, therefore, their secret admirers on YouTube who are over 24 years of age must be serial child rapists waiting to happen.

Below is a video of Jeff and Melissa Weiss celebrating their daughter Gretchen's eleventh birthday. They all live in California. As you watch the video, you will realize that the men over 24 years old who like checking out the three oldest daughters are clearly teleiophiles and have nothing to do with pedophilia.

The Three Oldest Weiss Girls Are Not Little Girls

When you get to 0:06 in the above video where Gwyneth Weiss is sampling some food, you begin to realize that this same girl is best described as the reincarnation of The Blonde Odalisque. She's about the same age as The Blonde Odalisque (Marie-Louise O'Murphy) was when she posed for François Boucher. The only difference is that Gwyneth is wearing a bikini, and a very sexy one, I might add.

Gwyneth may be 13 years old, but she is a goddess of beauty and femininity. She has a better figure than some women in their mid-twenties whom I know. Everything about her is captivating to the human eye.

Now, let's take a look at Gwyneth's 15-year-old sister, Gracelynn Weiss, at 15:08 of the above video. There are women in their twenties and thirties who would die to have a body as physically perfect as hers. She would easily defeat contestants in the Miss America or Miss U.S.A. beauty pageant who were 5 to 10 years her senior. This girl has a bigger bust line than most female college seniors do.

Gracelynn Weiss rocks and sets the computer screen on fire. Nobody could ever mistake her for a little girl. She has a dimple in her chin and dimples in her cheeks. When she smiles, she radiates celestial light all around her. Her black eyes are intense and would put any man into a trance who was attracted to the opposite sex. I'm sure she has received a whole host of fan mail from male admirers and not necessarily ones that are still in high school.

At 16:50 of the above video, you'll find the oldest daughter, Gabrielle Weiss, flaunting off her genetic gifts. This girl is 19 years old and above the legal age of majority. Therefore, I don't even have to try very hard to convince my readers that it's perfectly healthy and normal for an adult man to admire her beauty, even fantasize about her.

Nonetheless, because you still have these men-hating pseudo-feminists like Shanley Kane who believe that adult men who take an attraction toward 19-year-old women have psychological wiring that is no different from that of a habitual child molester, I'm going to include Gabrielle Weiss in my argument against teleiophiles being mistaken for pedophiles.

If Gabrielle Weiss were walking along a beach in the skimpiest bikini ever created, she would draw an entire audience of not only college boys but also older men as well. Aphrodite blessed her with all the social graces that a woman should have. She's the kind of girl who will send your rocket to the moon. If anyone could convert a gay man into a heterosexual man with her smoking hot body, she could do so.

Uh oh! I used time stamps to make my examples throughout this article. Joshua Barbour denounces that practice as morally bankrupt in all of his videos about The Weiss Life channel on YouTube and the likes. Well, any societal fundamentalists and self-appointed pedo-experts out there can put their pedophile wands away, because I have done nothing wrong.

Mr. Barbour is a happily married man. He is likely so in love with his wife that he never looks at any other women. However, if he suddenly were to find himself a single man again as soon as tomorrow, I would not doubt that he would easily fall under the mesmerizing spell of the three oldest Weiss girls. There is no way to deny that these girls are stunningly gorgeous and have power over every man who falls into their orbit of attraction.

Back when I was in high school, girls like these three Weiss girls made me think of the lyrics of the song in the video below. They obviously have that same effect on men of all ages rather than merely on teenage boys.

The Song Titled "Hello, I Love You" By The Doors

I rest my case. There's nothing wrong with being a teleiophile. It happens to the best of men. Normies have to acknowledge you as a part of their circles in that event.

Mr. Barbour? If you're reading this article here of mine, chew on this. These same men that you so mistakenly accuse of being pedophiles in your YouTube videos about The Weiss Life channel are really teleiophiles and they are just as much normies as you are. That's right, Mr. Barbour. They get to hang out in your social circles whether you like it or not. If they want to gawk at Gwyneth, Gracelynn, and Gabrielle on The Weiss Life channel on YouTube, let them. No harm done.

Serhiy Lvivsky is the author of this photograph/Source:

3. Final Thoughts

Girls can get married as young as 13 years old in California. When you look at how sophisticated teenage girls from California are, it is no mystery why that state jurisdiction doesn't want to prohibit girls from marrying that young altogether. Gwyneth, Gracelynn, and Gabrielle of The Weiss Life channel on YouTube are icons of such sophistication among teenage girls from California.

Fraidy Reiss of Unchained At Last is not the president of the United States, and neither is Jeanne Smoot of The Tahirih Justice Center. If they ran for president of the United States, they'd never get elected.

I suspect that these same two men-hating pseudo-feminists are receiving funding from QAnon for their mission to abolish teenage marriage in the United States. It would be just like these two harpies to get involved with domestic terrorists to further their agenda.

Adult men have been admiring the beauty of adolescent girls from the beginning of time. No matter what the law or society does, they will be falling in love with adolescent girls until the end of time. A man's heart does what it wants rather than what social-justice warriors like Fraidy Reiss and Jeanne Smoot want it to do. These two dragon ladies are a menace to the American culture and need to be stopped. They're not even ladies.

It's always easy for anyone to be on the winning side. However, when the winning side is in the wrong, everybody loses in the end. Whenever an adult man and a teenage girl fall in love with each other, mental-health professionals and law-enforcement officials need to back away and allow for Mother Nature to take its course.

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