Emergency Medicine, Pharmacology, Medical Literature Podcasts/Blogs

in #medicine9 years ago (edited)


Free Open Access Meducation

Hey all I'm a clinical pharmacist currently specializing in an IT role with helping implement an Electronic Health Record at my hospital with an EHR called EPIC, but have a history of working more in a clinical role prior to my current role. I wanted to provide those who also are in the medical field or just interested in medical knowledge a list of some of my favorite Podcasts/Blogs where I gain a lot of knowledge and refreshers from (gotta stay up to date!):


• EMCrit - Evidence based information from Critical care, resuscitation, and trauma. - http://emcrit.org/ • The Skeptics Guide to Emergency Medicine http://thesgem.com/ • ERCast - Emergency Medicine Podcasts, Reviews and Curbside Consults http://blog.ercast.org/ • PEM-ED - Pediatric Emergency Medicine an Educational and Directional Podcast http://www.pemed.org/ • Free Emergency Medicine Talks http://www.freeemergencytalks.net/index/ • ToxTalk - Toxicology Podcast http://toxnow.org/ • EM:RAP - Emergency Medicine Reviews and Perspectives http://www.emrap.org/ • EM Basic http://embasic.org/

Research and article reviews:

• Life in the Fastlane http://lifeinthefastlane.com/ • Emergency Medicine Literature of Note http://www.emlitofnote.com/

Educational Pearls and Informative Article Blogs

• ALiEm - Academic Life in Emergency Medicine https://www.aliem.com/ • Emergency Medicine PharmD http://empharmd.blogspot.com/ • Resus.me - Resuscitation Medicine Education http://resus.me/ • Emergency Medicine News http://mobile.journals.lww.com/em-news/_layouts/15/oaks.journals.mobile/default.aspx

Please if anyone has anymore suggestions on some of this great FOAM (Free Open Access Meducation – Medical education for anyone, anywhere, anytime) please let me know! Great to be able to live in a world where this very valuable information is being provided free and in a format which can greatly reinforce knowledge and begin great debates on treatments, etc...

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