What has the last 2+ years taught us? Was their Various underground Criminal Organizations involved? Was their mass world wide collusion with government officials, public medical agencies? That all potentially Orchestrated this particular Covid Pandemic to achieve something well known as Agenda 2030 & Agenda 2050?
Where Mainstream Legacy Media was used to control a certain narrative by way of disinformation and propaganda in cooperation with fact checkers to ensure legitimate medical professionals are censored from speaking out against medical tyranny?
Judge this for yourself. Here's the evidence ⏬
The science is sound, all 💉💉💉💉💉 are ineffective, experimental, gene therapy and dangerous. All cause mortality has hit all record highs never seen before ever since the introduction of illegal and destructive 💉💉mandates world wide.
For the past 2+ years the world has witnessed "Mass Medical Tyranny" where is was accepted by most industries to deny most if not all Religious Exemptions, Medical Exceptions and any or all other forms of Exceptions world wide including the mass denial of Mask Exceptions. MDs were Strickened and medical licence threatened by public health agencies if Masking and 💉 Exceptions were given to people.
They've allowed the dangerous practice of "Normalizing" the disclosure of personal medical information.
They've allowed coercion, discrimination, harrassment, vilification, assault as accepted practices in the workplace. They've totally ignored individual Human Rights.
The mainstream media is responsible for mass disinformation, missinformation, 💉, pandemic and fear propaganda. They are responsible for Censoring Medical Professionals, Immunologists, Virologists that spoke out against destructive policies, such as mandates, restrictions and lockdowns. Utilizing such destructive ineffective policies has no benefit.
They've deliberately ignored Pfizer's massive data dump ordered by the courts which shows the destructive dangers of their mRNA experiment. 1000 Scientific Medical Studies proving the Covid 💉 are dangerous
Blood damage explains many harmful impacts of COVID ‘vaccines’
- LifeSite - USA
- Joel S. Hirschhorn
- Mon Aug 29, 2022 - 11:13 am EDT
Research Article
Blood damage that has been detailed through sophisticated research methods is the “missing link” to explain many negative health conditions ranging from heart problems, cancers, reduced immunity, and death. Blood damage is the key biologic explanation for harmful vaccine impacts. Note that I am using the word “vaccine” but fully recognize that COVID vaccines/boosters are not real vaccines, but a form of genetic treatment that, unlike real vaccines, do not actually and truly prevent or cure COVID.
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists should hang its head in shame
- By Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD
- August 18, 2022
- Research Article
- Backup Article
Pfizer’s data dump has revealed that of 270 pregnancies in the first three months of the injection roll-out, the company only had solid data on 29 of them. Of those 29, 28 babies died, only 1 survived (see page 12 of their report and also Byram Bridle’s article that goes into further detail). This is data the FDA wanted to keep under wraps for 75 years – one doesn’t have to wonder why.
Covid Vaccine Destroys Natural Immunity, NEJM Study Shows
- The Daily Sceptic
- 12 SEPTEMBER 2022 | 7:00 AM
- Research Article
A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) shows not only that the effectiveness of the Pfizer Covid vaccine becomes negative (meaning the vaccinated are more likely to be infected than the unvaccinated) within five months but that the vaccine destroys any protection a person has from natural immunity.
This is very disturbing because it suggests not only that the vaccines give negative ‘protection’ after a few months but also that they destroy the protection that should have been provided by natural immunity. The unvaccinated keep their protection from previous infection but the vaccinated end up with negative efficacy even if they’ve been previously infected. This means the vaccines appear to demolish a person’s natural immunity and leave him or her more vulnerable to infection than he or she was before.
Study Links Increase in Emergency Heart Events With COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout
- Research Article
- Scientific Study
Increased emergency cardiovascular events among under-40 population in Israel during vaccine rollout and third COVID-19 wave
Heart Inflammation More Prevalent Among Vaccinated Than Unvaccinated: Study
- Research Article
- Scientific Study
- Scientific Study
- Scientific Study
- Scientific Study
SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination and Myocarditis in a Nordic Cohort Study of 23 Million Residents
Cardiac Complications After SARS-CoV-2 Infection and mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination — PCORnet, United States, January 2021–January 2022
Young Men More Likely to Get Heart Inflammation After Pfizer’s Booster Than COVID-19: Study
Risk of myocarditis following sequential COVID-19 vaccinations by age and sex
Inflammatory mRNA Nanoparticles Inhibit and Alter Immune Response: Pre-Print Study
PfizerGate: Covid-19 Vaccination causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
- AUGUST 21, 2022
- The Evidence
They told you they needed just three weeks to flatten the curve. They lied.
More than enough evidence and facts to prove Covid-19 was a deliberate fraud to initiate the Great Reset Scam by eliminating people's God Given Human Rights among many other atrocities including the elimination of private property and stealing people's farms.
DMED DATA Reveals Incredibly Disturbing Spikes in Vaccine Injuries Across the Board
- By Sarah Westall
- SarahWestall.com
- Date: 02-06-2022
- The Evidence
- Twitter Post
Vaccines have saved 20million lives? What rubbish
- By Manfred Horst
- July 26, 2022
- Vaccines have saved 20million lives? What rubbish
The ludicrous Bill Gates-funded claim that the Covid vaccines have saved millions of lives is debunked in the link above. It is much more likely that the vaccines have had a net negative effect.
Why it’s fast becoming a ‘pandemic of the boosted’
- Date: 20 July 2022
- By Rob Verkerk PhD, founder, executive & scientific director, ANH-Intl
- Research Article
Look beneath the surface of these data and you’ll find a problem, however. A fatal problem. The same dataset also tells you that you’ll be 65% more likely to die from non-COVID-19 deaths if your jabs are fully up-to-date, compared with being unvaccinated.
New South Wales, Australia COVID update proves the pandemic of the vaccinated.
- Joel Smalley
- Jul 19, 2022
The bit about the unvaccinated being overrepresented in hospital is, of course, a complete lie, and their own data proves this.
The UK government's official data shows they are killing their children
- Steve Kirsch
- Jul 15, 2022
- Research Article
They should EITHER admit their data is garbage or that the vaccines should be IMMEDIATELY halted for ages 10 to 14. Ideally, they admit BOTH. Practically speaking, they will do NEITHER.
Vascular and organ damage induced by mRNA vaccines: irrefutable proof of causality
- Doctors for COVID Ethics
- Michael Palmer, MD
- Sucharit Bhakdi, MD
- August 19, 2022
- This article is from a Spanish Translation.
- Research Article in Popular Science
This article summarizes evidence from experimental studies and from autopsies of patients deceased after vaccination.
High Percentage of COVID Deaths Had 3rd Shot, More Excess Deaths After 4th Shot
- Once people catch on to the correlation, governments stop updating the data
- The Epoch Times
- AUGUST 29, 2022
- Research Article
Currently, many countries around the world are promoting the second COVID-19 vaccine booster shots for the elderly, many of whom have already received their first booster shots. Under these circumstances, the transparency and openness of information about the safety of booster shots has become a very important issue. Amid this discussion, recently, data on the numbers of....
COVID-19 infections and deaths after vaccine booster injections in two Canadian provinces have been removed.
COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ Are Gene Therapy
- JUNE 26, 2022
- Research Article
mRNA ‘Vaccines’ Fulfill None of the Criteria for a Vaccine. mRNA “vaccines” created by Moderna and Pfizer are gene therapies. They fulfill all the definitions of gene therapy and none of the definitions for a vaccine. This matters because you cannot mandate a gene therapy against COVID-19 any more than you can force entire populations to undergo gene therapy for a cancer they do not have and may never be at risk for.....
November 18, 2020, Wired magazine made a big deal about COVID-19 vaccines being “genetic vaccines,” noting:[24]
The active ingredient inside their shot is mRNA — mobile strings of genetic code that contain the blueprints for proteins. Cells use mRNA to get those specs out of hard DNA storage and into their protein-making factories. The mRNA inside Pfizer and BioNTech’s vaccine directs any cells it reaches to run a coronavirus spike-building program.
People Dying in Their Sleep Linked to Vaccines, Explains Dr. Peter McCullough, Cardiologist
- By Dr. Jennifer Margulis
- Global Research, October 25, 2022
- Research Article
At a conference for medical professionals in Sedona, Arizona this past weekend, several speakers–all physicians–commented on a disturbing trend: an increase in otherwise healthy people dying in their sleep.
Dr. McCullough pointed to a “state-of-the-heart review” done by an international team of cardiologists published in the journal Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy this May. According to this study, many heart issues are being reported post-vaccination, with myocarditis being the most common. “While myocarditis is the highest reported cardiovascular ramification, other serious complications are also being increasingly reported,” the scientists wrote.
New Swiss Study: Covid Shots Increase Risk of Myocarditis by 800 TIMES in Young Adults
- Becker News
- By Kyle Becker - October 29, 2022
- Swiss Study
The risk of myocarditis is 800 times higher for vaccinated than unvaccinated young adults, according to a recent Swiss study that is now gaining traction in the press.
Officials Across United States Spread Misinformation on COVID-19 Vaccines
- Officials Across United States Spread Misinformation on COVID-19 Vaccines
- The Epoch Times App
- By Zachary Stieber & Eva Fu - Nov 1 2022
- Research Article
Officials across the United States are continuing to spread misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines, The Epoch Times has found. The claims include unsupported or misleading statements about vaccine effectiveness and safety.
Why Spike Protein Causes Abnormal Blood Clots, 200 Symptoms
- Dr. Yuhong Dong & Dr. Jordan Vaughn
" Nov 5 2022 - Research Article
In this two-part paper, we aim to give an overview on COVID-19 related abnormal blood clots, how they form, how to detect them early, and how they're being treated
- 60+ Freedom of Information request(s) to the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness, the Premier’s Office, and the Department of Education on COVID-19.
- Research Article
I sent many of my FOIPOP responses to all the MLAs, reporters with the CBC, CTV and the Chronicle Herald, our provincial paper. Only the Chronicle covered information. I would like to thank CANUCK LAW, Rebel News, and Linda Pannazzo for reporting on several of my FOIPOPs.
COVID-19 vaccine boosters for young adults: a risk benefit assessment and ethical analysis of mandate policies at universities
Our estimate shows that university COVID-19 vaccine mandates are likely to cause net expected harms to young healthy adults
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