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RE: My Impression of Media Officials, RocketX

in #mediaofficials6 years ago (edited)

Sorry to tell you, My projects are not a scam.

One we stopped reporting on Chibera because the community stopped supporting and the backend investors told us to stop updating. Chibera's issue was one expecting to get any real funding from the community. It only helped with 0.3-0.5% of its funding which we do appreciate. So I started working with Freedomex for my projects so they could be listed at cheaper prices and have a way for users to trade items get tokens and get out quick to cash if need be.

As for physical items not being sent out like the pc I talked to the builders and manufacturers of the Pc's and said they could not give me the deals require just to send out one. The funding isn't done for the game, it's all being self-funding and there were set rules for physical items which I decided to give an exception to yabbamatt. The builders refused to give the discord for his rig so we tried to wait for a sale. Yes, he should have been notified but I'm being pulled so many ways with many steem projects I honestly lost track of letting him no.

The development hasn't stopped.

Rocketex, came to be from not wanting to use a limited system like steem-engine who basically says how things run. Our clients wanted more freedom and contracts so we decided to start working on something that would work for there needs. For some reason, this has pissed off more than a few people that we decided to fork or decide to come up with our own system.

Also, Zappl isn't dead and has been dealing with apple and google as someone reported our app for having a crypto wallet in it. In fact, they received several reports. We have still been updating on. The website has been updated a bit, and ill be happy to share images of the new system. We just decided to turn everything off because we needed to revise our costs of the new account creation features and how we wanted to move forward. We have as of recently been doing on-chain transaction from many accounts which can be checked. Some from our Zappl app and a test app name.

It's not like I'm exactly trying to hide from people. Both my companies are registered legal and I'm not trying to scam anyone. It's just we expected things like SMT's to come out much sooner, so once sidechain systems came out I teamed up with freedomex and a few other projects to give the best foundations for my projects. I wanted to provide the best foundation I could for my projects and the funding is very limited in the community even with a nice proof of concent or even more than that.

All my projects are being worked on, just they have to be privately bootstrapped other than zappl. I work with more than a few projects in the community, not just zappl and chibera and those don't have any issues. It's just setting up something like a game that is real-time is not as easy as people want to make it seem.

I appreciate everyone who has helped support the projects I have made and I can promise they will be launching and relaunching. We just got done in the last few weeks talking to our backend investors and revised our plan of attack using sidechain tokens then switching over to SMT's as they release.

As for chibera were still trying to figure out the best method for token, monster and item farming. Lately, they have started testing stuff like multiple custom_json ops per transaction that will help us reach our goal. We're still trying to secure some needed funds, and revising all possible options for its launch. We will get the site spun up again here soon as I find the time.

I'm working on many projects right now that help with the base of the development for my other projects. This is why I joined freedomex team in the first place to give the tokens a better chance of getting a fiat pairs on places like netcoins whom we already have connections with.

People are free to message me anytime on discord, steem slack, or twitter. I reply when I can.

Twitter | TheDegenSloth#5881 discord | steemdevelopment on steemslack

Ps: I do get a lot of messages daily so if it takes me a few days sorry.