My MS (multiple Sclerosis) Journey Channel?

in #media7 years ago

What's up guys and gals, Steve (aka Forgetaboutit89) here from ForgetaboutitGaming!

I had some ideas today on away to help educate people and help me keep motivated and push myself to be where I want to be, Career wise and Health wise! I thought I could start a Journey Channel showing you guy's some footage of my day to day highlights, thoughts, activities and what not...
Towards fighting MS and my experiences having it.

I want to share:

I have found myself in a bit of a mental struggle to gain the confidence and motivation to get out and do what I need to do, to get where I want to be in 10yrs. I thought maybe it would be a good idea to get the public involved in my journey, not only to help myself get the confidence back to push myself again, but to educate people and spread the awareness of MS (Multiple Sclerosis) to those who may not know the disease very well and want a bit of an insight on what it is and what it can do to people with it.

Example of nerve damage:

This is just a public brain storm to see what kind of thoughts I could get on the subject as I know people always have questions for me towards it when they find out.

If you haven't seen my blog on me describing myself and my intro into ForgetaboutitGaming, please do feel free to go have a look!

Now even though it has been 2/3 years since my journey began but I have found myself feeling, well like I'm in quick sand and need to be pulled out and I'm slowly being pulled down to a place I don't want to be stuck in, as I am still not working and miss the feeling of that independence and feel I'm not doing what I need to do to get back up. I have these moments where I think to myself and know what needs to change in my life and what I need to get to get there, but it's a mental and physical battle with the MS. I dislike using my MS as a reason to miss the things I used to love doing and looked forward to doing... and still will do!

Avatar Xbox.png

Here's a small example of what I like to try and do each night.
Every night before I go to sleep I think what's in store for tomorrow, what needs to be done and what to prepare myself for whether it be going to the shops or walking the dog . I come up with a small list and then by morning my body is in a comma sort of stat where I can have control to move but the mind is making it 80% harder... or is it the other way around...? Now wait before you start saying everyone has those mornings, that's all well and good I definitely understand this. But when you try fight it and get one of those mornings where you decide to get up and make a full day out of it and get active, as you are meant to do... along comes Leg/arm numbness, pins and needles, blurry vision, more dizzy spells throughout the day/night the list can go on depending on what decides to flair up on the day. Walking and balance issues are most days but they can vary in intensity depending on how the last day went and how you slept. I feel this is what people need to educate themselves on with this disease, that it is an invisible sickness that is very hard to express sometimes and feel this could help me and hopefully a few others to express how they feel and where their at.

Fun Fact:
Symptoms chart:

But let me know what you think, again I thought the idea was good and hope you all feel the same, as I would look forward to documenting myself and having that to push to improve myself and yes it would be awesome to show you all where it could lead me in say 1yr.
I dont have much going for me at the moment so happy to put the time in for you guys and myself of course, just to enjoy something iv found myself enjoying these past months which is making Videos and and clips at home and youtube for you all to enjoy!

Here's my Channel & Page details for you guys and gals to enjoy:
Forgetaboutit89 New logo 2 YT.jpg


Where there is love there is life.

- Mahatma Gandhi