This sounds like a great initiative to which I would love to contribute to! This in the form of my contest entry!
I created two versions. A red and a green one, however these colors could be replaced by any if desired.
Also, based on this logo, I would be happy to give an additional branding to it!
Anyway, here we go:
You can find some additional information in my post:
Anyway, hope you liked it!
Username: s43nn0n (#373457)
Wow this is so cool! Thank you very much for starting so soon on your logo entry - that alone earned you a 100% upvote my friend!
Since we're giving you 2 weeks to submit your entry, you can take your time and make a post to include your created logo and your BTS username. Make sure you use the appropriate tags so that I can find your entry. Of course, I'll remember you as the first one! ;)
Excellent job - just package this all into a separate post and submit it whenever you're ready. Thank you very much @sjennon!
You're very welcome! I saw it passing by and thought I'd get to work right away! I have a busy week coming up and I don't want to forget about this.
The link to my post can be found above!
Good luck with the rest of the entries - if it's anything like the BeyondBit contest, I am sure you will find something outstanding!
Absolutely fantastic and lightning fast - thank you @sjennon! I think I'm gonna LOVE this contest ;)