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RE: Introduce yourself? Alright!

in #me7 years ago

Thanks for your kind comment! I think art posts is the way to go with me as it feels natural and yesterday as I posted my first art posts, I felt like I was humming with positive energy!
As for my son, he already is my biggest fan LOL 😍
He sits next to me while I work and tells me I make the prettiest stuff LOL, bless his soul! He even liked my out of tune, not at all any good singing right from birth 😂 Not sure how much he will like it in years to come tho 😂
Anyway it was lovely to meet you and again, thanks for dropping such a nice and welcoming comment here!


Your post was much deserving of recognition and therefore the reason I dropped by to comment. Who knows in time your son will be humming along with you whether in tune or not celebrating your success. Who cares how you sound when you have this. Again take care Kirsten @racykacy