hmmm, I'm turning 20 very soon and I dropped off university... everyone thinks I'm older :( but, it's ok. Maybe that's why they hired me and I had to get some tattoos to look more mature, which I like now ;) even the makeup does its thing... once we spoke about what kind of life I want to live... I made my choice and I love it
so... I was approached by an entertainment house and I refused, a day after I went there and accepted the photo part but not to make porn scenes... what do you think about the change?
hahaha, why that look? :D
You look older then you said before... by older I mean mature 😉
hmmm, I'm turning 20 very soon and I dropped off university... everyone thinks I'm older :( but, it's ok. Maybe that's why they hired me and I had to get some tattoos to look more mature, which I like now ;) even the makeup does its thing... once we spoke about what kind of life I want to live... I made my choice and I love it
Good to hear!!! I hope you gonna share some words about these exciting changes. You're beautiful, but I'm sure you're more than just a shell 😉
so... I was approached by an entertainment house and I refused, a day after I went there and accepted the photo part but not to make porn scenes... what do you think about the change?
Cool! I'm just expecting some post to get to learn about you. There is not so many inch of your body you didn't show yet
Hermosa y con tatuajes <3
gracias ♥