ModyFY "WebSite and APP" Your favorite songs at your fingertips

in #mdfy6 years ago

Today I was looking for a good investment with a minimum of power for growth in a few months, until I came across a very promising project, but before I talk about it, I'll tell you what I see.

Direct Competitor:

We have a known in the NETWORK of the internet worldwide speaking that has a powerful audio streming and with small chance of growth, because it hit a very high peak a few months ago, we noticed that this competitor is not in the blockchain and does not own a currency of his own, nor did you have a right or a duty with a White paper, well!

Project Found:

MDFY - a Blockchain project of its own with dynamism and protection, security, speed, stability and best of all, to your ancanse before it reaches the peak of investors, my word as investor is (This is the time), my word as TRADER is (I see the opportunity), and my word as a young man connected to technology (I loved the project, beautiful and worked site, dedicated and flashy) so I do not see the reason for not being part of this project

I bought my coins as soon as possible, they are stored in my wallet, I will probably buy more coins during the week.


Algorithm: Quark validation
Hashing: PoS / Masternodes
Name: Motify
Ticker: MDFY
Supply of Currencies: 42,000,000 MDFY
Lock Time: 2.5 Min (150 Seconds)
Min Stake Age: 1 Hour [60 Minutes]
Masternode Warranty: 5000 MDFY

Team Pronouncement

Motify will offer artists using the platform the ability to publish their music for free, making them globally accessible on an intuitively crafted music platform. The musicians can post their songs, instruments, compositions and more for sale on the platform. Users will then be able to purchase these songs using Motify's MOFY cryptocurrency.

One unique skill that the Motify platform offers is the ability for users to drop their favorite artists instantly using MDFY coins. These coins are instantly transferred to the artists' account, with no fees incurred by the artist or the user. This feature will allow artists to earn residual passive income without commissions solely on the basis of the following items they obtain from the application.

The Motify platform will give artists the ability to conduct live audio / video broadcasts of their presentations. Viewers will be able to purchase songs made during the live broadcast (if provided by the artist) and have the option to submit the MDFY as tips. In addition, artists will have the option of offering paid private livestreams in a 'concert form' in which users must first acquire a 'ticket' for access.

The Motify platform aims to create a social media platform focused on the musician who interacts dynamically with the Motify streaming music platform. This social media platform will simplify and attach disconnect between social media followers in bulk, converting them into digital downloads and ticket purchases. Motify will offer intuitive, fluid, methodically designed sales funnels for artists to increase revenues in a non-intrusive presentation of the natural to the consumer.

In an attempt to help musicians who entered into contractual arrangements, they were finally "archived" by their record companies. Motify will work in conjunction with labels that have artists who have chosen not to market due to financial or other reasons.

My opinion is clear, investment in the medium and long term and not only focused on apprentices, students of music and yes, a potentially talking streming that can give a beating in the direct competitor (SpotFY)

ANN: Website: