๐๐TEXT:LUKE 17:29-33
"Remember Lot's wife. Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it" (LUKE 17:32-33).
*John W. Peterson thought of eternity when he penned down these lines:*
"Don't turn around to the things you left behind,
All those bridges you burned don't try to find,
Set your face like a flint and walk right on to the Promise Land,
Don't turn around to the things you left behind."
*God warned Lot and his family to escape; and instructed them not to look back, but his wife disobeyed and incurred God's judgment - she became a pillar of salt. This teaches us that willful disobedience leads to definite fearful judgment.*
*Jesus made reference to Lot's wife as He warns of the impending sudden and dreadful judgment on this sinful world. Lot's wife had her heart and affection on perishable, worldly treasures. She was privileged to escape Sodom's destruction, made effort to be saved, yet perished because her heart was not right with God.*
*You can be saved by receiving Jesus as your personal Saviour and Lord. To escape the eternal condemnation, cling to Christ: do not look back to the glitters of sin.*
Cling to Christ: do not look back.
Be sure of your salvation and warn lost sinners.
Lord, help me to be heaven conscious and focused.