MCFD/CPS just gave my 9 1/2yo daughter away without my knowledge...Ive DONE everything I can!

in #mcfd7 years ago (edited)

In 2014 I lost my children, then almost 6 and 10,and became incarcerated for marijuana (I dont even smoke or do any drugs) I was in an abusive relationship with an addict/alcoholic/grower, and yes I stayed! I made the horrible mistake of thinking I could change him, thinking my kids needed him! Today I am paying with my daughters life for that mistake! A LIFE SENTENCE! forever!
My sons dad shortly after that got him out of care for us, however he couldnt save my daughter since he wasnt biologically his, so unfortunately thats how this nightmare never ended....I had no help, just me and my older son and my younger son. His dad gave him back to his brother in Calgary who was waiting for me to return, they had a nice house, and he put his brother back into school, they were okay. While I was gone, the MCFD applied for a CCO (Continuing Custody Order) while I was still incarcerated, so I had no chance to show change or to prove myself....the games they play! I did take 16 weeks of one-one parenting and many groups that werent good enough for them.

I knew I had no chance and the trial was put over until july 2016 when it was granted, I lost. A CCO means they will try and adopt out your child and they are now a permanent ward of the province. They can be reversed however it takes time and effort and loads of significant change, or lots of money. I was living in Calgary with my boys at that time, working, and driving 13 hours a week, sleeping in my car to have a 2 hour visit with my daughter who was ecstatic and wanted to come home so badly to me and her brothers! I honestly thought then I had a chance.....Ya right, that was going to change very quickly!

I applied for more access, was denied, I applied to see her for Christmas, I was denied. I moved closer to her so I could see her more easily, got a 3 bedroom house for us, found another job, and became stable fairly quick again with my son then 12. he was back in Rep hockey and boxing....and we were still seeing my daughter, then 8. Again, I thought I would still have a fighting chance.....I was denied every application I put forth, alone then with no legal counsel. just me. MCFD decided they would fight the access order and they took it to the Supreme Ct in March 2017 so that access would be at the Directors Discretion, in otherwards MCFD would make the rules on how often I see her rather then enforcing a judges order, something they didnt want to do.....THEY WON on April 12 2017, all access was terminated, no good-bye, nothing, not even a last phone call or I love you....NOTHING, POOF, gone! .....The last visit I had was March 27 2017, it was awesome as usual, however in the back of my mind, I knew this could be our last. I told her that and she had held me in the back of the supervisors car, crying and begging me to take her home....all she wanted to do was come home, and I couldnt save her, I coudnt save her from Child Protection....the very people who are supposed to work with families and care about kids....reunite families....HA! NOT! Legally kidnapped.....I had no rights! That was the last time I saw my girl Victoria....she as 8 1/2 yrs old, and loves her mommy and brothers more then anything.

I had to focus on my son every day, and yet this battle has become a full time job. I have never done drugs, I rarely drink, I am smart....and yet then wasnt smart enough to leave that man, I wrecked my life then, however I fixed it and today I am proud again....thankful for what I do have. I work hard to smile, and be normal because inside nothing is ever the same without my day is perfect, the nites can be difficult, and I swear sometimes I hear her laughing, talking to me, and one nite I swore I heard her cough.....(no Im not I love my kids more then anything, they have always been spoiled, loved and cared for....yet due to my mistakes THEN...OVER 4 YEARS AGO, when according to them I "Emotionally abused my kids/neglected and failed to keep them safe by putting them through that life" (No abuse, I didnt abuse my kids and we are all fine today)....MCFD refuses to acknowledge any change, they refused to look at my life NOW, and continually threw the past 5-10 years at me, and all the mistakes THEY felt I made as a mother.....never asked my kids anything because in their opinion, they would stick up for me and lie most likely....
I think the only one who will have issues emotionally is my daughter after all this!

In May 2017 MCFD then decided after my son bumped into his sister in the town that they needed a restraining order, and took us back to court, requesting a restraining order and then barring us both (he was 14) from the town of Creston BC, so we couldnt physically live or drive through the town, I also had a 400/day job that i wasnt able to take, and ordered by a judge to be out of the town by 5pm that day in May.....Apparently the chance that we might run into her "MIGHT" cause unneeded anxiety to her (MCFD's words)! In otherwards MCFD had decided to adopt her out and alienating me and her brothers was the best way in hopes she would slowly forget us....they hoped that.

On Nov 16, 2017, I found out my daughter wasnt in school for a few days and I called to question why....I drove to the town of Creston BC where she resided, and saw no curtain in her foster family's window, didnt see any sign of anything, called and I was then told after 2 days of calling, that they sent her away to an adoptive placement with a new family! I hadnt even been informed! I didnt sign or know anything. SHE WAS JUST GONE. tears. devastation.

After years of fighintg- I might add, that I have dozens of support letters from counselors and groups I have attended for abuse, trauma, and to better understand my past....The one and only bad relationship I have ever had.....and I have learned a tremendous amount about the cycle of abuse and the power over you, as well as addiction, and the unjust govt as well as the Ministry of children and their psychological games they play with parents.
I then applied for legal aid again in Dec and had a lawyer and all my documents ready to go for Dec 26th 2017 I applied again to Cancel the CCO, and retry this mess.....I have loads of current supporting evidence and Legal Aid even thought I had a great chance.....The application on Jan 3 2018 was again denied-----BY the SAME judge who originally granted the CCO to begin with, who knew me and knew my past......he erred in fact and didnt do his job correctly therefore giving me an opportunity to take this to the Supreme Ct on appeal.....I then applied to Legal Aid to take this to the Supreme ct, they denied me on jan 31.....I appealed that decision and at the end of Feb was granted again Legal Aid based on the error of the Provincial Ct judged decision.....YES....I had another chance!!! I then had to apply late to request from the Supreme CT IF we could apply late.....

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399055_10150693644056809_1560248119_n.jpg[Capture+_2017-06-18-21-44-42-1.png]Today, April 4 2018.....I am currently waiting on the April 19th decision from the Supreme Ct, on weather I can apply late or not....I havent seen my daughter who is almost 10 in a year, neither have her brothers! I know she is in a Victoria BC rich suburb with a new family....I WILL NOT QUIT LOOKING, OR FIGHTING FOR HER, EVER! I deserve another chance, and this is horribly wrong. How I can have one son at home and not my daughter! My daughter knows us, its not like she can magically forget her family in a year, shes almost 10! I was told recently as last month that MCFD will try for an openness agreement and its up to these people how much or little contact I can have with her and if I can possibly send one letter or more a year.....I obviously said I wasnt signing anything! I then sent her Christmas gifts which I was informed didnt all get to her, as they were to overwhelming to the new people.....In otherwards, the card I made was too full of love from her real family! I have had NO MCFD involvement ever again since over 4yrs, I have never looked back...I am a good loving mother, and there wont ever be a day that I stop looking for her!! #STOLEN PLEASE SHARE...LETS GET THIS OUT THERE! legal kidnapped! Will be posting all my videos soon to posts. :) ()


A very warm welcome to you @mayaabb.. Thank you for sharing your story with us, as heart wrenching as it is to read. I hope you find all the support you need here... with much love to come from the Steemit and family protection community

I am so glad that you have joined Steemit!
As you know, I wrote about your story last week, here:
I hope that you find support here and encouragement. And maybe somehow we can help you with your fight to get your daughter back.

thank you so much for helping me today, and for being supportive, it means so much to me. AND for promoting my story before I even got here....:)

Ahh, governments. I just love them. /sarc This really pisses me off. The state thinks they own our children. I had no idea that was even going on until I saw a resteem by @loveon. Thanks for doing that! I'm still catching up but would love to help.

Your story is so very sad, but I am happy you are here. Steemit is an amazing place and I believe you will get the support and help you need from this wonderful community.

We at @familyprotection will do our best to get your story heard and I'm hoping that we can help in some way to get your daughter back from the legal kidnappers.

Please keep us updated if and when you can.

Thank-you @mayaabb for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

thank you for posting :) and sharing

Welcome at steemit @mayaabb I have also read the story @canadian-coconut posted about you, and I am even more overwhelmed by reading this post .. What a horrible horrible people you have to deal with, and that judge my gosh, this one is definitely corrupt and acts in favor of those monsters.. I feel so bad for you, your daughter and sons that you are separated.. I know how it feels to be seperated from my 2 oldest children (wrote quite some posts here) and I even had to flee to another country for safety of my newborn baby (healthy relationship so not the same father) Slowly I find back the power to start proceeding against the government, but I don't want them to have ANY thing against me, and will be preparing until I am confident that I have a good case. It's not that easy as we have been homeless and I don't have most documents in my posession .. I hope you will be receiving good news today, my fingers are crossed.. take care you seem like such a warm person! And your children seem so happy, hopefully you will be reunited very soon..

wow, thats crazy, I can honestly say I hope that you and your family are safe, and I believe that you can be happy and make a home anywhere as long as you are together....I remember living in a motel wiith my son a couple yrs back (lack of rentals) and I looked at him and said it was temporary but that we were together and that was all that was important. We had just moved to a new town to be closer to his sister, and we are happy 2 years later :) wishing you the best as well, take care, and thank you for sharing. :)

I welcome you to this supportive plattform @mayaabb. I first heard of your story through @canadian-coconut’s post and then I watched your YouTube videos and was so heart broken hearing about what you were dealing with. I shared it with my husband and together we were shaking our heads at the fact that these organizations can get away with separating families and running with people’s children like they are a piece of property to bargain with. I am sincerely sorry you are suffering and in pain from being separated from your precious daughter. However my hopes are that you can find the support and encouragement you need from this community.

Here. I hope we can help you in some way and soon you will be sharing good news about getting closer to reuniting with your daughter. God Bless you and my family is praying for you and your family. I’ll be watching for updates.We that support the @familyprotection cause know the craftiness of these people and we know the games they play. You are NOT alone and will find many people on this plattform that have went through and are still going through similar situations. In fact @canadian-coconut just compiled a list of all of the personal stories told by Steemit users about the abuse of the CPS and what they have went through with their own families or witnessed their loved ones go through. You can read about them

I don't know how you can go through anything like that, but I am so glad that you are keeping so strong, even though I can't even imagine how hard that must be, but we all would keep fighting (mothers) until we die for our children since that is all we have and that is all they have.
My prayers are with you and your beautiful girl, and so is my heart and I wish you all the best and that you will be reunited with your daughter soon.My heart goes up to you and your children @mayaabb.

Welcome to steemit and the family @familyprotection! We are her to give you support in anyway we can. If you need personal assistant navigating around or just need someone to talk to, you can reply on post, leave a msg in discord chat on @familyprotection channel or you can find me on telegram @thethreehugs. I haven't had time to do more than scan this post but will read all of your post tomorrow and help you promote by resteeming. It took me all day today to write my last post and it literally drained me. But believe me, writing about it and knowing people "hear" you helps a lot. Much love and Aloha to you and your family. Hang in there!!

Familyprotection is one family, that try to supports all its members,
I hope here you'll get some warmth after such pain...

Great post. thanks for sharing your post.keep it up

Really so painful seeing all you have gone through. Stay strong and fight on.

Its an inspiring post fr us.........plz
U will provide us such types of post in future....😎


do not stop looking for them, insist and every day that passes, they will need you as much as you, they will be together again

Welcome, here the community offers you all the support, always keep hope and continue the lcha day by day, you will see that soon they will be together.

Welcome to steemit @mayaabb, I am so sorry for what you and your family have had to go through and what you are continuing to go through, @familyprotection was created to help families like yours and I am so glad that you are on here so that they can offer you support, there are many people on here who are very aware of the reality of CPS and will do their best to help you in anyway that they can.