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RE: Warpspeed Wipeout: Starring Tony The Sickle And the Jab Rats

in #maxigan2 years ago (edited)

Please, get up off the commies, if you need to generically bash someone use the socialusts, they want to use gov't force to achieve power and at some point in the future we will have anarchy.
Whereas the 'commies' want none of that.
We think using violence to attain your goals lacks class.

Here are hysterical reference works that support my claim:

The last one is most accessible to the average person, the 3 in the middle are more academic in language, the first one is a lady that knew her definitions, was deported by the united snakes after they declared her dead ex-husband not a us citizen so they could do it, and denounced soviet russia as a lie while within its borders.
She knows what she is talking about.

I know you probably have better things to do than read arcane books, but if you know somebody that wants to be an 'authority' on anarchism these books lay the modern foundation for the genre of thought.

Everybody after Bookchin is suspect due to the centralization of publishing and distribution, only those that serve the narrative are allowed on tv or in the press.
And he mostly reiterated Prince Kropotkin.


hysterical reference works you say? speak for yourself, but no most people who consider themselves communists want big gubment socialism. All the Antifa types who call themselves communists (and anarchists, which they clearly are not) are Bernie Sanders voters, plus all these other communist groups and organizations.. and all the college professors pushing this stuff are marxists, and the Harvard and Yale club etc. are very much into communist ways of thinking. Yes they are socialists, but as Lenin said "the goal of socialism is communism." Are you really trying to claim that communists didn't kill dozens of millions of people in the last century? Or let me guess, you are another one of them that always says "real communism hasn't been tried yet." Communism was a system created by the bankers for the ultimate control and enslavement of society- a small elite ruling class (the bankers and government) and everyone else equally poor and enslaved, 'you vill own nothing and be happy.' Maybe you wat something different but most communists want big government and are willing to use force and violence to get what they think they want. Marxist collectivist brainwashing is all in the tv programming and government indoctrination camps for a reason.
