System in which paid members will receive all info about trading with crypto: education, when and which coin to buy and when to sell to make a good profit.
Entry in the group costs 0.10 BTC/monthly
Every paid member will receive BONUS in NEW Crypto Matrix.
This matrix will start very soon.
Crypto Matrix
Withdrawal 0.10 BTC
10 Feeder 1 positions ($2 650 + after cycling you will receive 6 new positions in Feeder 1 = 60 positions in Feeder 2 = $ 15 780)
16 Booster 1 positions = $ 3 000
2 positions in 2x2 = $ 526
Group will be in Telegram and every paid member will receive a link via email.
Members who are not in crypto trading business can also join us.
For this matrix membership (Booster 1 ) is not mandatory.
Wallet address:
Amount 0.10 BTC
After paying please send your info on this email: – Subject: Purchasing position Crypto Signal System
- Full name
- Your username and Telegram username
- Your BTC Wallet address
- Hash ID
List will be visible in the group and on the site!