Big Pharma, Vaccines, Forced Inoculations
In the Matrix but not of the Matrix Ge 3:24, Mt 22:30, Eph 3:18, 5:14, Col 2:17, 3:3, Heb 8:5, Jas 4:14, Jud 6, Re 13:1-18
Big Pharma, Vaccines, Forced Inoculations
In the Matrix but not of the Matrix Ge 3:24, Mt 22:30, Eph 3:18, 5:14, Col 2:17, 3:3, Heb 8:5, Jas 4:14, Jud 6, Re 13:1-18
Samoa withdraws vaccine protecting against measles, mumps and rubella after two babies die within minutes of receiving the routine shot
Leaked emails mention aspartame causing holes in brains of mice
National Cancer Institute report admits millions have been falsely treated for ‘cancer’
Top U.S. scientists forced to resign over allegations of corruption and false studies
Alert: 134 pro-vaccine bills are active in 35 states
Shingles vaccine responsible for causing huge number of shingles cases, vaccine injuries
Schools No Longer Require ‘Parent’s Consent’ To Administer HPV Vaccine
Scientists’ Evidence Seized After They Prove Vaccines Cause Autism
Scientists single out gene that triggers aging symptoms
Tetanus vaccines found spiked with sterilization chemical to carry out race-based genocide against Africans
Vaccination Alters Genes
Gina Haspel, Shooting, Corsi, NKorea, Syria, Vaccines Autism Linked (Again) Nemo V
Australia Passes Law To Fine Parents Who Don’t Vaccinate Their Children
More Doctors Admit to Diagnosing Healthy Patients with Cancer to Boost Profits
Big Pharma Would Like Your DNA
Bill Gates Says ‘Vaccines Are Safe,’ Begs Trump Not Set Up Safety Testing
California state senator who pushed vaccine mandate now seeks to criminalize “fake news” about medicine, politics and government
Baby monkeys given standard doses of popular vaccines develop autism symptoms
Dementia now striking people in their 40s as mercury from vaccines causes slow, degenerative brain damage
U.S. government statistics reveal that the flu vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine in America
Doctor Blows Whistle on Flu Shot: ‘It’s Designed to Spread Cancer’
Media Silent on Two Huge Vaccine Scandals
Medical Tyranny: Doctors ordered to refuse health care services to parents who opt out of child vaccinations
Finding reveals autism is highest in areas with the highest vaccination rates
Vaccine Disables Baby, Court Blames ‘Crazy’ Mother, Takes Child Away
25-year old student discovers way to kill so-called superbugs without antibiotics
10 evil people who lie about science, pharmaceuticals and GMOs
Bill Gates quietly funding effort to develop thousands of new vaccines that conveniently ‘might’ become pandemics
Samoa Bans All Children’s Vaccinations After Sudden Deaths Of Multiple Toddlers
Government document confirms vaccine link to microcephaly
Senator Richard Pan is pushing a bill that would make it a “crime” for anyone to question vaccines
Merck Will Give Young Mothers The Most Dangerous Vaccine Of All: Trial
Physicians offered cash bribes to achieve 63% immunization rate of children while pushing anti-science flu shot propaganda
4 Vaccine Bills Defeated
Report: Doctors caught overprescribing drugs to older people as profits overtake ethics
77 holistic practitioners now dead since 2015: This is beyond strange, they are dropping like flies and MSM ignores them
Cancer screenings and treatments kill more people than the disease itself, according to research
Chickenpox vaccine linked to widespread increase in shingles
Even the CDC has admitted that flu vaccines don’t work
U.S. government statistics reveal that the flu vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine in America (video)