Devaluing the Human Component Part 1

in #matrix9 years ago (edited)

Greetings All. My name is Mikal Abdul-Jalil and I have been engaged in the science of learning the true nature of our reality for the past few decades and have come to realize that everything that we have been taught is just another system of control over our waking reality that we term ‘Life.’ This waking reality has been encapsulated in many short-sighted theories that limit the vast regions of ‘Man’s mind’ and the very Consciousness that connects us through a terminal interface much like a telephone operator. The Consciousness itself can never be held prisoner in any reality; the interpreter of this reality, the liaison between the spiritual and physical dimensions, the ‘Mind’ the decoder of consciousness is what has been tampered with and programmed, much like any software language to behave in a particular way within the parameters of a particular program.

Now before we get started, let me tell you that I have been laughed at, mocked, called homosexual, belittled and degraded at every turn because I found out the true secret of the Devil. When I found out this secret life became pretty much not worth living anymore and I have become a recluse because to try to get people to understand the truth ‘As It Is’ is an exercise in futility that no man should have to endure. The very people you put your faith and trust in are the very people leading you into the very path you are trying to avoid. We resist the Truth with all of our might and try to justify the evil of these beasts any way we can to justify to ourselves that we are doing the right thing, when we know in our heart of hearts that that is the furthest thing from the truth. When will we wake up? How long will we remain asleep? Is the entire of creation given over to the hands of evil while the children watch this debacle of ‘salvation’ that is costing us our very souls?

The society at large that has been created for us and that we have grown accustomed to accepting, is the very entity that is being utilized to deceive us from the very true nature of what we are! We are not these bodies, nor these jobs or any other thing that limits us and keeps us well within the walls of this mental conditioning. What we believe to be a society is nothing more than a ‘Prison Camp’ for the mentally enslaved. A prison for the mind has been relayed to you through entertaining movies such as the Matrix because to propagandize this all-too-true information is a direct violation of protocol and the highest crime to be committed against society at large. Forget murder, terrorism, genocide and population control. They are acceptable human behaviors and can be controlled by those who are writing the code. It is the almighty breach of: “Not Doing As Your Told!” and “Convincing Others To Not Believe!” that is the only unforgivable offense in this super dense reality.

We are told what to believe and how to believe it and this is what we call Religion.
We are told what to memorize and how to memorize it and this is what we call Education.
We are told what to perform and how to perform it and this is what we call Employment.

These are just a few of the innumerable traditions that we self-enforce and give validity to with our obedience and unquestioning compliance. Our willingness to do nothing is the very factor to keeping us under an institution bent on our demise. Those who write the code and establish the ‘laws’ that we should follow are never held to the same degree of conformity; but these are the ones that steal from society trillions of dollars in assets and nothing is ever said or done about it! They use media outlets such as the newspaper, television, radio, advertisements and our very own repressed conditioning to enforce a system that caters to the ‘elite’ and why we will justify their hypocrisy!

They establish celebrities for us to worship and they call them the ‘stars’ because they are so far removed from your station in life that they are literally worlds apart from you. They justify themselves of their superiority over you by treating you less than human and talking to you as though you are trash! They convince themselves that what they are doing is righteousness and that your actions are nothing more than the jealous ranting’s of an evil no good devil. They completely turn the world upside down and are ever justified in doing so because we want nothing more than to be just like those very entities that mean the world no good! How can a man justify himself living in a home that covers over fifty thousand square feet and is made for so-called ‘royalty’ to reside; but then another man is subjected to living in a cardboard box because some asshole believed that certain individuals do not have the right to take care of themselves in this perverse society and we call this the equality of America.

We say that those who have made billions of dollars are entitled to live opulently and luxuriously, while we conveniently deny to ourselves that we know people that were not lazy or inefficient or any of the catch-phrases they use to strip us of our humanity. But remember that those who have no humanity cannot strip the humanity from the humane! You must give over your allegiance to them, it is just like the ‘Pledge of Allegiance!’ It is a contract between you and the devil! You must break this contract, you must annul this contract before it is too late! They are going to use every possible method to get you to agree that what they are doing is ‘right’ that they can think of. They will use every possible way imaginable to get you over to their side. This is literally a war we are fighting and the lines are being blurred day by day. It is more difficult to recognize the enemy today than ever before because of the usage of technology and the enforcement of laws that did not exist just twenty years ago. Now you may be asking me who they are. Who is this They? It is always used like some ominous expression to describe something that everyone intuitively knows exists.
T, H, E,Y = The Hierarchy Enslaving You
This group that has been in existence from the very beginning of civilization has always held a position of honor and power. This group has always been referred to as the Elite, the Teachers, the Serpent and many other names. This group has an understanding that transcends the ordinary limits of human intelligence and has shaped this world into that which we now reside. It has utilized many different cultures and civilizations, many peoples and nations and tongues. It always comes as that which means us good; but we always find out too late that it was the deceiver from the start. Now here we are again at the beginning of the 21st century, technology leading the way and our hopes and dreams of one day traversing the heavens are at the forefront of our ideology.

But wait: “Let us examine the vehicle we are driving so speedily to our own demise.” As previously mentioned we are all programmed and subject to this reality that we call “Life.” Our perception of this reality is translated by those trained by the very system that is controlling the Reality. Now even as there are many different programming languages and many codes that can be written within codes, we have to ask ourselves just exactly what is it that we need to be translated and how will this translation be used. Okay. Let’s make this simple. When writing code for a website we will usually work within the parameters of HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language. Within these parameters we can use other codes like CSS or Cascading Style Sheets to give the webpage color and style, then we can also use JavaScript to give the page functionality and make it interactive. This is exactly what is happening in our so-called three dimensional reality. We have become so Object Oriented that our Analysis of the Design eludes us from the simple fact that we are working within a prescribed limit of space.

Now, this limited space that we ascribe exists within this reality is like a webpage that connects to other pages ad infinitum. If we utilize the code of PHP as example of how these pages can go on forever, by creating databases that serve up the particular information to as many clients that need it, sometimes all at the same time, it can be ‘overstood’ quite simply. You see, PHP is a language that doesn’t actually write its code within the parameters of HTML per se; but still must abide by the basic rules to be understood by the rest of the code. It is a higher form of code than HTML because it utilizes databases, requests, modules, objects and interfaces. Compare the high form of a Word Press website versus an HTML web-page and you will see the vast differences.

The HTML web-page can hardly compete with a full-fledged WordPress website that can include various types of plug-ins, objects, forums, stores, design elements and literally anything you can think of. The degree of power that this type of website has can be enormous. It is the code written within the code that makes it all possible. The standard is HTML that all websites must abide by; but how they conform to this law is what separates the jazz from the junk! So how does all this apply to our reality? You may be asking, well it all comes together quite simply when we stop trying to grasp the entire picture and focus on the small parts that we understand. We understand that we need a specific criteria to ingest as useful information. This information, no matter what it consists of will be processed by the decoder (just like a web browser) and served to us in a way that we can interpret it meaningfully. We read the information, take out what is useful and move on. This is exactly what the web Browser is doing for you, it is interpreting the code for you so you can see it in a specific way. The source code itself is just line upon line of information and is not appealing in the least; but when read through the Browser, which interprets the code according to the web standards, we get a very beautiful website that beckons our attention.

Our focus cannot be on the entire website all at once, because the interpreter of code will not allow multiple instances within the same page; just as your brain will not allow multiple instances to overwhelm your understanding. We can only focus on pieces of the code at a time or view specific pieces of information at a time. It is up to us to categorize the information and make it useful in our own paradigm. Even as a browser will allow unlimited images to be seen at once, no matter if the picture is a jpg, png, or gif. Images can all be seen because they cannot literally disrupt the code. Even though there are pictures that contain code themselves, like animated gifs, layered png’s and flash formats. Sometimes a very clever hacker will try to utilize an image or other non-threatening object to piggy-back a vicious code into a user’s computer; but if the user has hardened his machine with virus protection, this intrusion will usually be caught at the gate and not allowed to enter. In this way the virus protection becomes a sentry and indispensable for our own protection.

The Sentry at the Gate

Let us examine the nature of a virus protection program for a moment. It is literally the Sentry at the Gate of our computer {mind} and provides protection for us from threats that we have no knowledge exists {playing above our level of understanding} and because they are codified we cannot interpret them or understand their purpose. We then hire outside help from ‘Trusted Sources’ to provide for us this protection, because this type of intrusion is well beyond our understanding or scope of experience. Now, who do you have standing as the sentry at the gate of your mind? Who is to interpret the code that you experience every day and fight off vicious attacks against your inner self?

Have you hired the very hacker that understands the code in all its many varieties and forms? Or have you hired a trained professional that you know and trust and will fight for you even at the cost of their very own lives? You see. This is the REAL question we must learn to ask ourselves. We cannot be deceived into continuous belief in a system that has proved itself time and time again too numerous to count, that it is the enemy of those who strive with God! The True Israel!

Devaluing the Human Component

The Trans-humanist idea that our humanity is just a natural event in the ‘chain of events’ that lead to our present condition is voluntarily disregarding crucial elements to the equation. The human condition cannot be trifled down and interpreted into a binary code; neither can the ‘animator of life’ be reduced to the code in our genome. While it may be true that the Human Genome contains instructions/building blocks to every iota of our physical being; but it cannot decipher the spirit that animates our bodies, nor can it distinguish the soul.

In our quest for ever more knowledge and greater understanding, we allow the quest to define our condition. The imaginary machines and hypothetical environments that we create in virtual realities cannot alleviate in any form or fashion the very real corporeal world that faces us today. Our present world with its many problems yet to be solved and the human condition being sub-standard in many parts of the world cannot be overlooked. We cannot and I dare say ‘will not’ ever graduate to a higher understanding until we resolve the current obstacles.

Even as we are born into this world unto a mother and father, we are nurtured until we can stand on our own; our progress is slow and steady allowing for the individual to absorb knowledge at a pace that does not overwhelm us or discourage further learning. (This should be investigated in our public school systems.) Our knowledge is increased on par with our age, abilities and achievements. With every new found block of understanding, we move closer to an overall understanding of this Microcosm which is universally accepted as a form of the Macrocosm. Now, if our understanding belies us and we are striving in directions unknown, then how will we ever bridge the gap between our spirit and our humanity? This is the ‘True knowledge’ that we must indisputably comprehend if we are to delve into the world of Trans-humanism.

There is a spark in us that animates our physical bodies, separates us into individual souls with our own reason, logic and understanding and allows us to peek into the spirit (world) that guides all things. This spark of life that is in every one of us, no matter we be Al-Jinn or Al-Nas.
The Tricknology of the Devil

For many years I have observed the tricks and tactics of the devil, how they utilize your moral compass of what you deem as right and wrong to confound your judgement and to incessantly persuade you into making the wrong choices based on assumption and inconclusive data!

Now the first thing that we must understand is that a study of history reveals to us the nature and aspirations of a people. Seldom, does an individual step out of these parameters to engage in activities that are perceived taboo or totally unacceptable within the overall confines of the mindset of the group. If a particular group believes that association with others outside the group can bring harm to the whole; it will usually be passed down within the group, whether taught by the parents of children that first learned the new tenet or through the auspices of ‘Morphic Fields.’

Morphic Fields propose that memory is inherent in nature. Most of the so-called laws of nature are more like habits.

(Biology) the idea that, through a telepathic effect or sympathetic vibration, an event or act can lead to similar events or acts in the future or an idea conceived in one mind can then arise in another

When we observe the natural habits of a group, it can be concluded that the majority of the group will behave within certain parameters and believe a specific set of rules. Based upon this criteria we can predict with a certain amount of accuracy that individuals within this particular group will not step outside the comfort zone to explore new and untested theories that could very well bring them abundance. It is pre-programmed within the ‘group-mind’ that any alterations of the accepted rules can only lead to one’s demise. Hence, we are conditioned to feel a certain amount of fear when we are getting to close to the edge of our predetermined parameters and existing outside of the group mind.

The psychology of the behaviour of specific peoples have been studied in great detail throughout the twentieth century and many observations done under the ‘control groups’ of a penal environment or public housing project conducted on unsuspecting individuals have been the mainstay of the group defined within this study as the Devil.

According to history and within the prescribed definitions of the term: ‘Devil’ it is understood to mean an adversary. When we define the term adversary within the accepted terminology, the synonyms of the word reveal to us the true intent:
Opponent, Challenger, Rival, Enemy, Foe, Antagonist, Opposition, Nemesis

That which goes directly against everything that you say, do or otherwise, will be challenged and disputed to insure that others will not hear your voice. Your foe, your enemy, your nemesis. This is how you must view the Devil and this is how you will defeat him! I know this may sound ludicrous and the very idea of one fighting against an opponent that supposedly has no physical form is ridiculous, but just how ridiculous is it to not fight against this foe and try to understand what has been done to us here on levels that we cannot even begin to understand.

When the average person of color is confronted with information pertaining to the nature and the identification of the devil; the first thing a pre-programmed, pre-conditioned individual will say is that: “They are not all like that!” This justification, this defense of your enemy in the face of truth is a specific abnormality that affects certain types of individuals, who cannot accept that their master is in essence, their enemy! Many celebrities will condone the actions and the position of their enemy, when promised to be given material wealth. And now this is the condition: Material Wealth for the promulgation of the evil cause.

We look around us today and see many things. Especially the great towers of steel, glass and stone. When we behold these monuments, we naturally feel a kind of awe for those who constructed them. It is this feeling of admiration that is being used to make you compromise your own self in support of a group that has showed the world in no small fashion, that they do not have the interest of anyone, but themselves at heart. Now even though the majority of people recognize this fact; they cannot help but to participate in this world based on illusion, money and lies.

In recent years, the actions of those being referred to in this writing as ‘devil’ have been increasingly exposed for what they truly are. The secret signs and symbols are being revealed, the secret societies and fraternal orders are being exposed for what they really are and what they really represent. Organizations like the Freemasons have been at the forefront of this exposure. Fraternities like Skull & Bones have been explained in laymen’s terms and their rites and rituals have been consistent within the framework of satanic cults.

The Movies and Music Industries have been exposed as the purveyors of the agenda of specific organizations/conspirators that have been purposely misleading and misdirecting the current of society in a downward spiral that has been identified as ‘Illuminati.’ These so-called Illumined Ones are so dark in their work and so evil in their intention, there is no other reference to them, except: “Devil.” The majority of them do inhabit the Caucasian race; but be not deceived, for evil is not confined within a color or race or religion. Evil is boastful and proud, it flaunts itself in the face of humility and spits in the face of sorrow! It will not adhere to the tenets of righteousness nor will Evil submit in the face of God!

We have watched this adversary run wild against the peoples of this world and have sat silently while it destroys our Earth. We listen to reports that there was probably life on Mars and now the entire planet is nothing more than a dead stone! Exactly what do you think is happening on our Earth? It’s the same thing that happened on Mars and many other planets that once housed biological beings. The adversary, that spiritual entity of incarnate evil, has done this all before; right here on this Earth. The great and ancient civilizations that are still misunderstood today, experienced the same type of turmoil and evil in their midst. It called itself by many names and has come to every people on this planet and has planted the seeds of division and hatred.

The Staging of Events

As you can see in specific Headline News there seems to be an outright disregard for the lives of Black Men in America and so-called Law Enforcement is literally killing them as though they have no Human Rights. Now, to the untrained observer this may all seem like the natural course of events. There are always bad apples in the bunch and the bad ones always seem to spoil the entire batch. This is called pre-programmed reason and logic. When we try to justify to ourselves the inhumanity portrayed against our fellow man. We know that the Police are supposed to give you an honest chance to surrender, if you are at fault of some specific crime; but as of late there is no need to commit a crime, the only necessary element to be harassed is to be wearing Black Skin. I will not even go through the task of reiterating crimes of law enforcement here; if you really require that type of justification after all the numerous instances to date, then you probably really should not be reading this article.

The Controllers are obviously trying to start an upheaval by provoking the Black Community to Riot or cause a Race War which will be detrimental to all. Race is being emphasized in the Headlines lately, trying to grab your attention to the atrocities being committed. Believe me when I say: This is not random acts of Police Misconduct that we are witnessing. These are ‘Staged Events’ within a programmed environment! It’s an Hegelian Dialectic, which basically means: They create an abnormal situation, wait for the public response to take action, then provide a solution that eventually strips you of more ‘rights’ within their structured civilization. It has been said from an inside source that the following will take place shortly:

1.] An Emphasis on International Events

2.] Someone will be found guilty of Racism or something along those lines.

3.] People will be arrested for Domestic Terrorism.

4.] E.B.T. Funds will be shut off to precipitate Rioting in Urban Areas.

End of Part One