Gabriel's Horn - The shape you could fill with paint, but could never actually paint!

in #mathematics9 years ago (edited)

How could this be true?

Gabriel's Horn is a paradox that has been confounding many a mathematician since it was first postulated by Italian physicist and mathematician Evangelista Torricelli in the 17th century.

Evangelista Torricelli - 1608-1647

Torricelli had many awesome discoveries and was widely known as the first to discover the principles behind such things as barometers. He had colleagues with famous names like Galileo and Kepler. He was an absolute intellectual rock star of his era.

It is, however, his curious thought experiment about infinities that seems to have truly stood the test of time. And, along the way, confusing many a calculus student seeking answers that come in tidy packages.

The name "Gabriel's Horn" has been used for years since its discovery as a cheeky reference to The Bible. It's crazy to think sometimes about just how entrenched religion and science were together at the time:

Come Judgment Day, it is said that Gabriel will sound a mighty horn, to announce the end is nigh. The day of reckoning is upon us. This sense of divinity is considered infinite, and the horn is the connection with finite. (source)

Biblical allegories aside, the actual mathematical principles behind "Torricelli's Trumpet" are described as follows:

He [Torricelli] discovered a mathematical figure that stretched to infinity but wasn’t infinitely big. It's shaped like a long, straight horn. So long that it never ends in a mouthpiece. It gets thinner and thinner, stretching on to infinity. But — and here’s the issue — it has finite volume. You can pour in water and even though the horn has no bottom it will get full. (source)

So, Torricelli, completely ahead of his time, imagined a shape that could fill completely with any substance, yet could not be encapsulated by that substance. This paradox is so weird it deserves its own explanation. Something Torricelli didn't quite have at his disposal at the time to support his hunch - Integral Calculus.

How This Works - Step 1: How to Find Volume

To find volume of a three dimensional shape, one convenient method is to use a bit of calculus. The procedure I am going to describe involves rotating a base region around an axis. The resulting shape is a three dimensional solid.

You have probably seen this method before with very cheap party favors, like the one illustrated below:

Once you have your three dimensional shape, you can think of it as being made up of many disks of very tiny width connected to one another. Think, a stack of coins that appears like a cylinder.

The same principle applies to curves.

To find the volume, simply find the volume of each disk first and then sum all such volumes together from the lowest endpoint a to the highest endpoint b.

This type of procedure is known as integration. Therefore, our volume formula comes from summing up infinitely many circular disks with radius r=f(x). Hence, the pi*r^2 you see present in the following integral formula.

Step 2: How to Find Surface Area

Surface area is a little more complicated to explain than the scope of this post. However, a quick study reveals that the formula comes from the idea of Papier-mâché, the practice of engulfing a shape in tiny strips of paper secured by adhesive.

Every "strip of paper" that encapsulates a three dimensional object can be thought of as being a distance f(x) away from the x-axis, with a length equivalent to:

Knowing that circumference is equal to 2*pi*radius , and summing up all our "Papier-mâché" pieces from a to b yields:

Step 3: Putting it all together

Below demonstrates the precise calculus of the Gabriel's Horn problem. Even if you are not a mathematician, note the conclusion yielded by both formulas:

How can this happen?

Well, in short, the theoretical principles behind limits and integration in Calculus drive this whole paradox. Note the emphasis on theoretical. When we performed all the calculations above, they existed only in the theoretical "everything is awesome" space of infinitesimal width and thicknesses.

In reality, if such containers were to ever be crafted, and you were to try to fill them with paint, atomic reality would clash with theoretical peculiarities.

There's no difference in surface area whether you paint the inside or outside because the surface generated has no thickness. This isn't a paradox because there are no real-life objects with no thickness which you could paint! Paint itself has finite thickness bounded by the radius of an atom, which is about 10^-10 meters. (source)

So, rest easy Steemians! Your local hardware store will not be running out of paint any time soon!

Image Sources:
  1. Gabriel's Horn GIF - FouriestSeries
  2. Evangelista Torricelli - Wikipedia
  3. Gabriel's Horn Image - Wikipedia
  4. Bell Demonstration - MathDemos
  5. Stack of Coins - Pixabay
  6. Curve 1/x - WebAssign
  7. Paper Mache - Instructables


Actually my favorite paradox is a combination of Zeno's Dichotomy Paradox while $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} (1/n) is infinite. It was amazing to me that one converges and the other diverges.

Infinite surface area and finite volume is one of my favorite paradoxes. Amazing that Torricelli postulated this before Isaac Newton invented calculus. I assume it was formally proved in the 1700s?

Absolutely! Torricelli had used a Euclidean proof to nail this down. Amazing how Integral Calculus makes this idea a little more palatable.

Use a Euclidean proof to prove something non-Euclidean has infinite surface area and finite volume. Math is too cool sometimes.

One probably doesn't need mathematics for such a proof. If the horn becomes infinitesimally small its capacity to be filled is limited by the size of the molecules of the substance filling it. When the size of the shape restricts to a smaller size than the molecule of the filling it is full despite continuing its form infinitesimally smaller. Not to say being able to do the math isn't cool. Of course it is.

That was great! I love how you so cleanly show where this problem occurs. Is this guy the term toroid is named for? :)

You know, it might just be informally the reason why, as rotating a shape with a hole in the middle would result in a torus. But, I could not find an explicit naming convention based on his name. Any other math historian hobbyists out there besides me that could clarify?

Very nice way of introducing surface and volume integrals! I really enjoyed it. I will think about it the next time I will lecture maths (for physicists).

Thanks! For my calc students this is a real doozy. We get in all kinds of friendly arguments about this one. I can't imagine how many more would happen taking properties of physics into account as well.

I love these kind of mental conundrums form my Pure Maths classes at school. Thanks for the explanation too.

So beautiful! I'm surprised I hadn't seen this one before. By the way, we should all agree that this needs to enter the formal mathematical lexicon:

the theoretical "everything is awesome" space of infinitesimal width and thicknesses.

Found your fantasy football posts after seeing your Gabriel's Horn post and going back through old stuff. I actually meant to reply to your first fantasy football post but it is past payouts so commenting is frozen, I guess I'll just post it here.

Wanted to clarify something: the "scandal" with Ethan Haskell, the draftkings employee who won a large tournament on fanduel turned out to be a non issue. He submitted his fanduel lineup (immutable after it locks) then an hour after lock checked draftkings and publicly posted ownership %.

There was no insider trading, but unfortunately that is the way of scandals: news of it is all over tv and page 1 of every newspaper, while news of him being cleared is buried and sometimes never released.

Anyway, I play DFS for a living, hit me up in the or somewhere else so we can chat about fantasy, or math for that matter, was a math PhD student before dropping out for poker. I started an introduction to math proofs series, you could do one for calculus and/or other subjects too, could maybe even collaborate on some stuff. Anyway, seems like we have a lot in common, hope I see you in the chat!

Yeah! We should definitely chat soon! On both math and fantasy! I'm branching out more into the DFS realm this season, admittedly very nervous to do so. I am going very low stakes as I am trying just to prove out my model for now. I'm sure it will need tweaking as the weeks progress and variables I am using are rendered insignificant after a more careful study.

It makes sense the media would twist the whole "scandal" into something it wasn't. I suppose it helped me realize I was playing more casually than I should have....DFS was just the side attraction for me the past few years to my season long leagues. Hoping to change that this year. I did start a #fantasyfootball channel, might be fun to get some banter going on Sundays during the season!

I'll give you a few tips to get you started. I played season long for years and the first season I spent transitioning to DFS was losing, but once I figured it out in late 2014 I started doing really well, well enough to focus entirely on DFS full time. Football season is great, I'll hop in the fantasyfootball channel too