This is a puzzle game, you will get 10 numbers and you have to guess the 11th number to win the 2 STEEM!
- You must Upvote & ReSteem this post before participating in this game!
- Here are the 10 numbers, you have to guess the 11th number with 5 point decimal precision (yes it's a real number).
Index | Number |
1 | 9.00000 |
2 | 21.16458 |
3 | 85.64167 |
4 | -338.99613 |
5 | -536.36316 |
6 | 2190.13818 |
7 | -5157.65671 |
8 | -20849.35292 |
9 | 111652.49956 |
10 | 177442.83377 |
11 | ??? |
- First person who guesses the 11th number with 5 point precision wins 2 STEEM. Only 1 winner is accepted.
- The game ends after this post is curated, and prize is awarded after that if somebody has solved it.
- The numbers are not random, they are generated by a specific formula I made up, it will be revealed after the game is over.
- To show that I am not cheating, here is the 11th number in encrypted version with AES-256-CBC salted encryption:
- To decrypt it, type in Linux console:
echo U2FsdGVkX1/DaCFu0D6KPgE/oX9e1j3N9tm7phlj9M4= | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -a -d -salt -pass pass:PASSWORD_HERE
- Replace the
with the password that I will reveal after the game is over!
No answers so far? Only 3 hours left!
The 11th number was:
Password: zVrETS8VfEXwnnuNrPpOKMUd8Z0DcBFxzVa
Verify it:
echo U2FsdGVkX1/DaCFu0D6KPgE/oX9e1j3N9tm7phlj9M4= | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -a -d -salt -pass pass:zVrETS8VfEXwnnuNrPpOKMUd8Z0DcBFxzVa
Unfortunately nobody guessed it, better luck next time!