
Lol...very funny..but l think be it 3 or 4 is all cant judge any if you are not in their situation...we see things differently if we not found on the same scale...thanks for sharing

Your eyes start to water after looking at this. Definitely 2. Possibly 3 and marginally 4. And curse you for putting this up lol

I see both! Ha ha I love these optical illusions!

I am unable to count. nice optical illusion.

i think its 3 not sure

When I was like 3 i like had an accident, like and lost all my toes. But that accident didn't really bother me because I was like you know only three. When I was four I started to learn to count on my fingers, i learned all the way to two, but then I like had an accident, and I like lost all my fingers. Like that really goofyed me up so like i can now only count to two, so I like know i have like two eyes, but my eyes you see cause I like stared to long trying to figure out what came after two, that my eyes, like began to water, then i like forgot what i was doing and and i i miss band camp.

see from the message side of this image.
Do not see things from only one side, because if looking from one side does not necessarily describe it thoroughly.
this is very inspiring

The answer is both are true from different perspective. Our teacher in the college used this image to teach us about perspective difference.