
I am a research scientist. We live in a holographic plane. This side of counter space (which is where you and I exist) everything breaks down into fractals. Everything exists based on frequency generations within the electromagnetic field that we call the ether. Your diagram shows the mathematical representation of these fractals. We are finding out that most of what we were taught in the universities is not 100% correct. One clue I will give you (that we have discovered) is there are secrets to the water molecule. H2O is the most misunderstood molecular compound on Earth. Water has a unique structure that interacts with counter space!

Hi @jetblake maybe you can write more about your discoveries.
Water is far far weirder than most people can imagine.

I've heard that our reality is created from a binary code. I have also learned that earth is a series of repeating patterns.
I think this supports the Bible because God created by speaking; A word is frequency, vibration and intention of will

Exactly. We have proven in our research that a source or God does exist. This GOD exists outside our reality. It is an inexhaustible energy source that has always existed. It creates a reality through conscious thought/word which as you correctly stated is a frequency vibration. We have also found that our thoughts and behavior can either be in harmony with this SOURCE or not. If you are in harmony than the reality provides positive/joyful experiences. If not in harmony than negative/non joyful experiences. Hope I am making a little sense. LOL

I am also a researcher and this is very new to me:)