Really nice article!
For me, math was always a weird subject to learn and talk about, at least until I finished high school. I was always bad at it, I never really understood anything and I never managed to find a teacher that would take the time to explain all the concepts that I don't understand.
That's why since I was 10 years old I hated math and I gave up on learning anything that would help me understand it. I thought, for a very long time, that I was stupid and I just can't understand the concepts that could help me get better.
However, when I finished high school I had to do a few things related to mathematics, and I realized, in just a few minutes, that I really enjoyed doing it.
I kept doing more and more, and soon I realized that mathematics were actually interesting and fun.
Sadly, I had the bad luck to get bad teachers that weren't interested in explaining anything, and were making fun of everyone who couldn't understand mathematics. I hope other people are luckier than me and can get better teachers.
The good news is that once I have the time, and once I do not have to work so much, I'll spend some time learning mathematics and see how easy and how fun it is when I actually invest time to understand things and when no one's pressuring and making fun of me.
Congratulations for your article and keep up the good work! :)
Thank you very much @raikuhen, for sharing such a wonderful story of yours. Yes, most often the math teachers are not real math teachers. I am happy that you didn't give it up and continued to peruse it on your own and found your own success your own way.