Crypto 13# THE MASTERNODE !!

in #masternode8 years ago

I am sure u have heard of DASH and how profitable its masternode is. However, with its current price of 198.000$ (198$ * 1000 DASH required for the masternode ) is almost impossible to run a DASH masterode. However, like DASH, there are many other masternodes that you can run. The question is though if they are worth investing on at the first place? Do they have a community supporting the coin? Are the devs active?


At the moment, Chaincoin (CHC) is a masternode that's under 500$, and that has a huge activity on Telegram, Rocket.Chat, Slack, twitter, and on every other social media. The reason me and many other people are supporting CHC, is because it has big activity, the dev is active, and there is a community supporting the coin.

To run a CHC masternode you need to transfer 1000 coins to your wallet, and with instruction found on the web, you can start running the masternode. The only thing is that u need to run the wallet 24/7, in order to receive 2 CHC coins every 24 hours, which leaves a lot of people unhappy.


For every problem though, there is a solution, and the solution is: VPS. Apparently hosting your CHC wallet on a VPS and running the masternode through there, will make you money while u are sleeping.

The video below shows how u can enable a masternode through VPS, without knowing any coding. You can enable the masternode by owning any pc, either that's a Macbook, Windows or even a Chromebook.