This is just a quick post, well actually a question. I there anyone who holds a transfercoin masternode? Does transfercoin have a community to support it in the way that dash, pvx and chaincoin do? Just curious.
This is just a quick post, well actually a question. I there anyone who holds a transfercoin masternode? Does transfercoin have a community to support it in the way that dash, pvx and chaincoin do? Just curious.
@salayne I think you will everything here.
I used to have a masternode and at first it was difficult to get started and keeping it running, but the community helped me out and the head developer released a new wallet that made it much easier to run a masternode. Check out these links to get in touch with the TransferCoin community: TRANSFER (TX) Thread:
Also, checkout an article I wrote last week about TransferCoin: