
It may or may not be classifiable as such, but it does more harm than good to scapegoat the "mentally ill" when 99% of the time they are just another marginalized group of people in need of help. You should create a new category called "evil sons a bitches" and put the corporate warlords and school shooters in there instead.

I actually get your point, and I think it’s a valid one. Upvoted for that reason.

Thanks, I appreciate the discourse. I can pick apart the pro-gun garbage posted in the comments section here some other time or on another post as well, but for now I must tend to other things ;)

Out of curiosity how do you feel about the actual hate-mongering and abuse that this thread has caused by one of your supporters? (not putting you on blast or anything, just genuinely curious how you feel about censorship and assaulting minorities)

I've been so goddamn sick these past few days, I didn't even open Steemit yesterday. I'll read through what happened here at a better time.

lol np, get better mate ;P

Thanks! I feel better now, still a little weak. I just have stuff to do I wasn't able to do yesterday. I coughed so much, I actually threw up. I guess the cough was hard enough to trigger the vomit reflex. That hasn't happened before.

oof, I haven't been that sick in a few years myself

Are you familiar with the Halls of Power theory? Perhaps the name has been muddied in my memory, but it was a theory popularized (and then suddenly silenced) a few years ago. It was a Social Psychology theory about how sociopaths are attracted to modern political power structures, perhaps ancient ones as well, and that there is a startling prevalence of sociopathy in government both from the nature of the job - forcing people to do things and to view a larger, less personal picture of how society runs - and from this natural attraction. For quick reading:

Tangential to this discussion, but perhaps of interest to you.