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RE: Why it's Not the Boys in the Above Picture Who Grow Up to be School Shooters

in #masculinity6 years ago

Words have meanings, and you're refusing to acknowledge those meanings in a broader context and are also choosing to perpetuate a hateful stereotype of mentally ill people that gets them killed and makes them suffer from isolation. This does nothing good for anyone involved.

No, a politician can vote for genocide and still not be mentally ill, just evil. Evil and mental illness are not the same thing, and the sooner people like you understand that, the sooner the stupid culture war that breeds school shootings can be put to an end.

This isn't correctly identifying anybody, this is painting people with a broad brush because you don't like them. Just because you don't like somebody, doesn't make them mentally ill. What do George W. Bush and some random person off the street with social anxiety have in common? Nothing. Stop pretending like they're one in the same.

This isn't language policing, this is educating people on how to correctly identify what problems are and to stop scapegoating innocent people and perpetuating a culture of propaganda. You're doing precisely what they want and you're too blinded by the emotional desire to say mean words to realize it.
