Un día yo iba caminando por la calle y me entere que la perra de una señora había tenido bebes yo instantáneamente junto con mi prima fuimos a verlos lo cual fue una total sorpresa para nosotros al ver en el terrible estado en que estaban esos pobres animalitos ;tenían demasiados piojos ,tantos eran que cuando caminaban les saltaban de su cuerpo
estaban demasiado flacos por que la madre no les quería dar leche y era comprensible por que estaba mal alimentada
así que decidí llevarme uno a casa, se los presento esta foto es del primer día que lo tuve conmigo lo alimente y Apenas le di comida se puso como loco, me dedique todas las mañanas a ir temprano a comprarle leche de vaca a mi tío que tiene un corral y muchas vacas; Cada vez que le servia se la tomaba super rápido y luego iba y se dormía debajo de el mueble y se dormía.
Le compramos comida ,medicinas para los parásitos, le completamos su esquema de vacunas y lo llevamos al veterinario, es por eso que en estas fotos se ve mas saludable
Conforme iba pasando el tiempo el crecía y crecía ; en mi casa nos dedicamos a criar cerdos no son muchos pero bueno , con algo se empieza , a parte de los cerdos de engorde tenemos una cerda que estaba embarazada, una cerda dura embarazada 6 meses cuando ya la cerda llevaba como 4 meses empezamos a notar que capitán (el perro) se empezaba a quedar mucho tiempo en el corral de la cerda pero pensábamos que era por que le gustaba el sitio
bueno se cumplieron los 6 meses de gestación de la cerda y ella no paria , nos empezamos a preocupar pues pensábamos que había perdido a los bebes; de ese entonces pasaron como 3 días , ya eran como las 6 de la tarde y empezamos a escuchar unos ladridos de perro y salimos al jardín corriendo , era capitán que nos estaba avisando que la cerda estaba haciendo un nido para parir , la cerda tardo como 8 horas para empezar a parir y nosotros nos fuimos para la casa a esperar a que empezara el parto para ayudarla , pero nos dormimos inconscientemente pues teníamos demasiado sueño , bueno volvemos a escuchar los ladridos y salimos haber que pasaba eran los cerditos que habían empezado a nacer y bueno gracias a dios todo salio bien tuvimos 9 cerditos al día siguiente notamos que capitán se paraba al lado de la puerta donde estaban los lechones y lo tomamos como una actitud normal; lo que no sabíamos era que esta actitud la seguiría tomando durante un mes y aun hoy en día capitán ve a algún extraño acercarse a los cerditos y lo ladra y si no se retira lo muerde por eso le llamamos capitán el perro protector.
( en esta foto les mostrare la posición que el tomo durante un mes , claro se acostaba y nosotros le llevamos agua y comida, muchas veces intentamos que se metiera para la casa y no quiso de hecho muchas veces lo llevamos a la casa y el se regresaba)
En esta foto el estaba revisando si los cerditos estaban bien
!gracias por leer la historia de este increíble perro (mi compañero)¡
Captain the protective dog in english
One day I was walking down the street and I found out that a lady's dog had had babies, I instantly together with my cousin went to see them which was a total surprise for us when we saw the terrible state in which those poor little animals were; they had too many lice, so many were that when they walked they jumped off their body
they were too skinny because the mother did not want to give them milk and it was understandable because she was poorly fed
so I decided to take one home, I present you this photo is from the first day I had it with me I fed it and as soon as I gave it food it went crazy, I spent every morning going early to buy cow's milk for my uncle who it has a corral and many cows; Every time it served him he took it super fast and then he went and fell asleep under the furniture and fell asleep.
We buy him food, medicines for parasites, we complete his vaccination schedule and we take him to the vet, that's why in
As time went by he grew and grew; In my house we are dedicated to raising pigs there are not many but hey, with something we start, apart from the fattening pigs we have a sow that was pregnant, a hard sow pregnant 6 months when the sow had already been about 4 months we began to notice that captain (the dog) began to stay in the sow's pen for a long time but we thought it was because he liked the place
Well, the sow was 6 months pregnant and she was not pariah, we started to worry because we thought she had lost the babies; From then on, about 3 days passed, it was already about 6 in the afternoon and we began to hear a dog barking and we ran out into the garden, it was the captain who was telling us that the sow was making a nest to give birth, the sow was slow as 8 hours to start giving birth and we went home to wait for the labor to start to help her, but we fell asleep unconsciously because we were too sleepy, well we heard the barking again and we left having what happened were the piglets that had begun to to be born and well thank God everything went well we had 9 little pigs the next day we noticed that the captain was standing next to the door where the piglets were and we took it as a normal attitude; What we did not know was that this attitude would continue to be taken for a month and even today captain sees some stranger approaching the pigs and barks at him and if he does not retreat he bites him that is why we call him captain the protective dog.
(In this photo I will show you the position that he took for a month, of course he would go to bed and we brought him water and food, many times we tried to get him to get into the house and he did not want in fact many times we took him home and he returned)
In this photo he was checking if the pigs were okay
Thank you for reading the story of this amazing dog (my partner)!
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