My Recent Escape From the Matrix

in #martialarts6 years ago (edited)


My recent escape from the matrix.
Last week i finally was able to leave the matrix, it has been over months since my last vacation. The matrix is what i call "the big city" " the system that controls everything" " the corporate dog eat dog world" those can all be terms that describe this matrix we live in. In ancient Chinese culture there is an actual term for this as well and Its called "jianghu"
"jianghu" is what ancient Chinese would call this type of life. During these times Qigong and Kungfu masters would get tired of this type of life and eventually have to leave this environment to recharge there "gongli." The term "gongli" refers to there kungfu power or inner strength. They would often leave for weeks to years by themselves to either islands or mountains to train their kungfu qigong and neigong. After spending a period of time in nature isolation they come back much more powerful then before.
This past week i tried it for myself for the first time. I was a bit nervous since i never ever did any camping on my own before. I spent a couple of days first in Burlington Vermont rollerblading and hiking around different areas.
I also stayed in this lovely airbnb. This was a much needed vacation as being in a small town is much more relaxing then a big city, but still gives you the comforts of living in a big city.

That was the easy part, the next 4 days i spent it camping in the wilderness at white mountain national forest in New Hampshire which was very far from any civilization. First i had to encounter 35 degree heat, second i had to deal with pesky mosquitoes that see me as a buffet. I have a real history with getting eaten alive by mosquitoes anytime i spend too much time outdoors. Here was the open field i stayed in
The daytime was wonderful, i did lots of hiking around white mountain national forest. The views i got were breathtaking and made me feel at peace and one with nature. The area around mount Washington is a hikers paradise with amazing panoramic views.


I would also swim in the lake because my campsite did not have a shower, only a composting toilet.


during the late afternoons i would practice my taiji and qigong. this was actually more challenging then i thought as the bugs would swam me every few seconds.After starting a fire it seemed to have gone away giving me some good peaceful serenity for my practice.
After night fell things would change, Trying to sleep in the middle of the wilderness with nobody around but animals really made me a bit fearful, it almost felt like i was helpless and in a closed sensory deprivation tank that was pitch black and totally quiet. After this experience i knew that there was a lot of fear i still had to deal with in my life. But at least i got to experience this for the first time and what the old kungfu masters and inner alchemists of ancient china would go through for much longer periods of time. After this i think i still consider myself a white belt and not at the level of mastery i thought i was, but anyway life is all about learning and growing and i feel that i did learn more about myself from this trip. I also did feel refreshed and full of energy after coming back,I guess you can say my "gongli" kungfu power increased. I will most likely try this again sometime in the future.


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That's great! I totally understand, sometimes you just have to leave the city. It always gives me new inspiration and energy! Nice article 😊

thanks, i normally would camp with friends or family, but doing it by yourself is a totally different experience.

yes, I totally agree. The first time I went on my own, I had a pretty weird feeling in the beginning but it turned out to be amazing and I really enjoy it. However, going with friends is also always nice :)