In South Asia, it's a dream of everyone to marry asap, especially the women, due to some valid reasons. But I've seen in the Western countries by myself that people are running away from marriage since most of them can have an illegal relationship with their girlfriends/boyfriends too easily. Come on, it's a fact. Sex before marriage happens too easily with mutual consent in the western countries.
That's probably why you see a lot of breakups in affairs. To be more specific, if the need of someone is getting fulfilled without binding himself into the marriage relationship, then what else he might need? His need is already fulfilled and while he is unmarried, he can have many girlfriends and enjoy the life, unlike a married man.

Image Credits: Crosswalk
I don't want to say this but unfortunately, there is too much nudity in the western countries. No modesty at all (in the majority of people but this is from what I've seen by myself). The only two things that women have in their bodies are bikinis and panties. But no offense intended to anyone. In this article, we'll discuss some reasons why you should marry asap.
# 1 - It helps you keep your evil within yourself:
When you're married to the person with whom you feel comfortable, then you'll enjoy many benefits. Marriage reduces the chances of having an illegal relationship with someone because it makes you think that you already have a partner and naturally, everyone feels some kind of guilt when attempting to cheat someone. While some people cheat their wives but some respects your trust level.
In other words, it improves your moral behavior and you start realizing that you're a strong man who can control his emotions in any situation. Even though it can't guarantee that you'll be able to protect yourself, but it reduces the chances to the lowest level. Having an illegal relationship with someone is really bad.
# 2 - It makes you responsible:
Life is quite good when you don't have enough responsibilities on your shoulders but as you get those responsibilities on your shoulders, you'll have to change yourself. The best way to become a responsible person is marrying a nice girl with whom you want to live for the rest of your life.
With time, the responsibilities will increase and your family will increase as well which puts even more responsibilities (referring to kids). Due to the love of kids and wife, you'll do something and that's what makes someone a responsible person after marriage.
# 3 - It increases the chances to live with your kids for longer:
Everyone wishes to live for longer so that he could enjoy the happiness of his children such as seeing them getting married or employed in a reputable company. But if you keep delaying your marriage, you're probably reducing the chances to enjoy the life of your children.
Before you marry anyone, make sure that you like each other because marriage is not a short-term contract. It's a long-term promise (or should I say a lifetime promise? for sure). It is recommended that you marry a girl as soon as you cross your teenage or maybe 25 years of age is probably better for getting married.
So, these are important reasons why you should marry a nice person asap. If you really want to enjoy the benefits, then marry asap or else, it's your choice.
Anyways, if you've enjoyed reading the post, make sure to follow me at @princewahaj for more interesting content.
I got married in my early 20's and I am GLAD that I did.
@Princewahaj, these are valid points one should marriage early in life and as those that have decided to marry late , they should reconsider that option....guy you are on point.
@Princewahaj, these are valid points one should marriage early in life and as those that have decided to marry late , they should reconsider that option....guy you are on point.
Read the article,
I would have to disagree with the reasons for marriage.
Getting married out of love is probably the worst decision you'll ever make. But, I already know people will still get married, despite being warned. So I suppose the only thing I can do is watch the show from a distance.
I don't like love marriages, to be honest, that's why I used "like each other" which means I am more in favor of "arranged marriages". Maybe a cultural difference but most of the love marriages in South Asia fail so badly.
No. Thanks
what do you mean by illegal relationships? never heard of one
Sex before marriage.