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RE: Market Friday Give Thanks and Bookstores, Not Necessarily in that Order

You are certainly a very generous young lady and I will praise our God if we were to have customers at the future bookshop like you.
One can only imagine the stories that will be heard in a small coffee shop and if the ambiance is right it could make many new friends.
I also like the own cup idea and it could really take off this side.
Funny thing is the more that I talk about it, the closer do I feel to it.
One of these days perhaps.
Blessings and thank you once again for your kind generosity!


I know what you mean!!! You can see it happening and so could I! You are just the perfect blend of warmth and reasoning to make a place like that hop.

I love the own cup idea too. She puts them in a dishwasher (or actually people do when they are done and it makes it all easy. There is a tip jar to help with the water bill and soap and I know for a fact that it is always ahead of the game!

I hope you do it!!!

Thank you for the kind words my friend, and also for the advice about the cup idea. The time is not right yet and will have to wait until I get too old to run the charity anymore. It takes a lot of my "hands on" experience and hopefully when that time arrives I would have a younger person to take over from me.
But I am sure that the time will come.
Blessings and love to you!

I agree with you on that one, my friend. Having been involved with nonprofits most of my adult life, it is def a calling as the more you give, the more they need. It is not for the faint of heart, nor a person looking for a job.

That kind of job looks for you.

Stay blessed, my friend and may God put someone in the path. Until then xoxo

Thank you for understanding and at times it can get a bit hellish, but no complaints here my dear friend. One has to answer the calling and work with the heart. So many today see it as a job and they walk away seriously demoralized after a while, but you and I were made of different material and that's why we see it through.
The day that I strike 70 will be it, if I last that long and by then I want everything in place for the handover. Simple, but true!
Blessings also to you!